This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. Prebiotics serve as a nourishing source for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. These indigestible carbohydrates travel to your lower digestive tract and provide essential nutrients to support the growth of healthy bacteria....
719 Search Results for "vitamin D"
Typical breakfast options tend to be low in protein. Think of the classic buttered toast, bagels, muffins, cereal, etc. The exception is the classic breakfast with eggs, which is far from the only high-protein food option. And it’s a good thing because protein can help keep people feeling full and energized until lunchtime. Plus, it’s...

Food Journalist
Red wine has been consumed for thousands of years, dating back to the Neolithic period in the mountains of what is now Iran. It has played a pivotal role in religious ceremonies, celebrations, and negotiations ever since. Nowadays, it is produced and consumed around the world. You can say, in general, people really like to...

The Hearty Soul Team
We’ve probably all heard of the benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar at this point. It can help with stomach problems and digestion, among other things. However, apple cider vinegar can also be a useful part of your beauty routine as long as you use it correctly. This is especially important when it comes to...

The Hearty Soul Team
Maintaining proper skin hygiene is crucial for overall health and well-being. The skin acts as a protective barrier against external pathogens and pollutants. However, neglecting certain areas can lead to the development of harmful infections. A dermatologist on TikTok posted a video about three areas people miss when washing that could gravely affect their health....

The Hearty Soul Team
A DEFICIENCY IN THIS CRITICAL nutrient makes you twice as likely to die as other people, according to a study published in The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine.(i) It also accounts for a long list of symptoms and diseases, which are easily helped and often cured by adding this nutrient. Magnesium for relaxation is also...

The Hearty Soul Team
Pyroluria and pyrroles are controversial subjects. Some researchers and medical professionals believe that pyroluria is a legitimate condition, while others are skeptical. It’s important to note that, regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, there are many people who feel they’ve been helped by treatments that address this condition. What Is Pyroluria? Pyroluria, also...

The Hearty Soul Team
Cancer is the #1 leading cause of death worldwide, causing almost 10 million deaths in 2020 [1]. It’s also the second leading cause of death in the United States, just behind heart disease [2]. Because of its commonality, almost everyone has some connection to the disease. Those who never experienced it firsthand most likely know...

Food Journalist
Dementia is a progressive condition that damages and eventually kills brain cells. In the next ten years, experts project that about 82 million people worldwide will have dementia [1]. While there is still no cure for the condition, knowing the early warning signs of dementia can help you or your loved one get the support...

The Hearty Soul Team
You can learn a lot about a person by their fingernails, especially when it comes to health. Anomalies such as changes in shape and color can indicate medical conditions such as psoriasis, heart disease, and even cancer. But keep in mind that brittle or discolored nails are not typically a cause for alarm since they...

Food Journalist
In 2014, then-sixteen-year-old Mathew Carulli of Perth, Australia, lost an eight-year battle with leukemia. The loss of someone so young is undoubtedly tragic, but his legacy will live on in the form of a special bridge that will allow hospitalized children to have easier access to fresh air and nature. The Rainbow Bridge The brightly-lit...

The Hearty Soul Team
Supporting kidney health is crucial for maintaining overall well-being. Supplements can provide essential nutrients that enhance kidney function and reduce the risk of deficiencies, particularly for people with kidney disease. Below are eight supplements that may support kidney health, along with a discussion of their benefits and risks. 1. Vitamin D Vitamin D is vital...

Wellness Journalist