In 2014, then-sixteen-year-old Mathew Carulli of Perth, Australia, lost an eight-year battle with leukemia. The loss of someone so young is undoubtedly tragic, but his legacy will live on in the form of a special bridge that will allow hospitalized children to have easier access to fresh air and nature. The Rainbow Bridge The brightly-lit...
Supporting kidney health is crucial for maintaining overall well-being. Supplements can provide essential nutrients that enhance kidney function and reduce the risk of deficiencies, particularly for people with kidney disease. Below are eight supplements that may support kidney health, along with a discussion of their benefits and risks. 1. Vitamin D Vitamin D is vital...
For many people, the term “wellness culture” is synonymous with the American health-obsessed culture, but the two are different. While it may seem like an overused buzzword, there is a difference between living a healthy and a wellness lifestyle. While the push for people to take charge of their health is amazing, this rhetoric has...
Food allergies are rising, and it’s not just because we’ve gotten better at detecting and diagnosing them. Many of us are left baffled as to why our grandparents didn’t seem to have issues with allergies, while every year now, more and more children and adults are suffering from them. Theories abound on how and why...
Chicken is a $30 billion industry in the United States today. Chicken farming, however, didn’t start out that way. Back in 1923, most people had chickens at home for eggs. When they reached an age where their egg production dropped off, they would then use those chickens for meat. Delaware homemaker and farmer Cecile Steele...
Hair and nail health are integral to a person’s overall health, but they can be particularly tricky to maintain. That’s why we’ve put together this list of foods you should eat and avoid in order to keep your hair and nails looking their best. What Foods to Eat For Hair and Nail Health There are...
Calcium is a mineral that your body needs to function properly. It’s found in all of your bones, teeth, and muscles. It helps your heartbeat and keeps blood pressure normal. It’s one of the most important nutrients in the body. But what if you’re not getting enough calcium? Not consuming enough calcium can lead to...
22-year-old New Jersey man, Brad Phelps, stepped onto the field for his first soccer match. The next thing he remembers is waking up in the hospital. Phelps had experienced a sudden cardiac arrest and his heart had stopped beating for a full 12 minutes [1]. Paramedics were able to shock his heart with a defibrillator,...
Weak bones are a major health concern. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, more than 10 million adults in the United States have osteoporosis. Eighty percent of those people are women [1]. Luckily, there are many steps you can take to ensure your bones stay strong and healthy. Just a few simple lifestyle changes are...
Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative neurological condition that is known for its debilitating symptoms, such as memory loss, confusion, and loss of identity. The two hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease are the formation of plaques (beta-amyloid) and tangles (tau proteins)in the brain. How Does Plaque Buildup Impact The Brain? Over time, these build up to a point where...
Everyone gets anxious sometimes. Maybe you’ve got a big presentation coming up at work, you’re running your first marathon, or you’re working up the nerve to finally ask out your crush. Whatever it is, you feel nervous, perhaps a bit clammy, and your heart might feel like it’s beating faster than usual. But, could you...
Did you know that studies have found that foods high in calcium or calcium supplements directly or indirectly compete with magnesium for absorption (Dai et al., 2007), and they should not be taken together if possible? One study found that adding 300 to 1000 mg of calcium to the diet significantly decreased magnesium absorption in...