Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

January 4, 2025

What It’s Like to Be an Adult Constantly Mistaken for a 12-Year-Old

Typically, people struggle with aging, often hoping they look younger than they are. However, in a strange twist, a woman shares her struggles as someone who looks far younger than she is. It’s an interesting story that offers perspective on that old saying “the grass is greener on the other side.” 

A Tale of Undesired Youth

A woman smiling in a brightly colored dress on a staircase.
Image Credit: Melanie Ball | Facebook

Melanie Bell is a writer and editor with numerous accomplishments and a Master’s degree. In 2020, she shared a story about her experiences being mistaken for a younger woman. Oddly, in many cases, she’s mistaken for a child. She explains that to her knowledge she doesn’t have any genetic conditions that would make her appear ageless. Yet, she’s frequently mistaken for a child and has some genetic factors that play a role in her youthful appearance. 

Mistaken for a Child

A woman poses in business attire. Greenery and a balcony wall in the background.
Image Credit: Melanie Ball | Facebook

I do have a confluence of genetic markers that signal youth: a round face, slight bone structure, minimal chest definition, and wide eyes. These are all features I can’t change. I also have relatives on both sides who hover around the 5-foot mark. My mother, too, is narrow in frame, and early in her marriage she was often mistaken for my father’s daughter,” she wrote for HuffPost

Wavering Confidence

A woman smiles while working at a table with a computer. Office supplies and various items in the background.
Image Credit: Melanie Ball | Facebook

I have attempted to improve my confidence and posture with little effect; it’s hard to stand tall when I have to look up to speak to everyone, no matter how straight my spine,” Bell added. ““You’re so lucky,” people tell me as they roll their eyes jealously whenever I mention getting IDed or mistaken for a preteen. I want to tell them that they’d change their minds if they were the ones who had heard infantilizing remarks for over three decades.” 

An Accomplished Woman

A portrait of a woman wearing a turquoise necklace. Black background.
Image Credit: Melanie Ball | Facebook

Sadly, despite her many accomplishments she isn’t taken seriously as an adult. “While pursuing my master’s degree, I went to my brother’s Christmas concert. He’s over six feet tall and five years my junior. My family moved to a new town when I started university, so his teachers didn’t know me. “Are you starting junior high next year?” they asked when they were introduced to his “little” sister,” she continued. 

Frustrated with the Reactions from Others

A woman poses for a portrait. White background.
Image Credit: Melanie Ball | Facebook

Bell’s story isn’t the most heartbreaking of circumstances. However, it does make one thing clear. No one is immune to criticism or judgment from others. Furthermore, no matter how “well-intended” the criticism is, it can be offensive or harmful. “Situations like that one make me want to ask people who insist that a youthful appearance is a gift: Would you appreciate having your educational efforts and experience reduced or erased with a glance? Maybe they would ― but I’m sick of it,” Bell thoughtfully explained. 

Combatting Judgement

Various shades of lipstick. Blurred background.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Bell wears bold lipstick, professional attire, and heels whenever possible. However, she notes that she wishes she could dress comfortably without being judged for her seemingly youthful appearance. Either way, she points out that judgment from others was most severe when she lived in the U.S. and has settled into the U.K., where she’s noticed fewer people seem concerned about her physical appearance. 

Some Peace Among the Pandemic

An image of the world with a mask. Germs and black in the background.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Additionally, she shared that the Pandemic eliminated much of her social anxiety because most people were more concerned about their safety than “making small talk.” Meanwhile, most interactions were online or at a distance, which played a role in minimizing the need for people to closely examine her appearance. While some might prefer to trade their challenges with Bell, the importance of self-acceptance, and self-love is undoubtedly connected to one’s overall mood and mental well being. 

Love and Forgiveness

A notebook with encouraging words. Blurred forest in the background.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Experts at Psyche Central have shared simple steps for gaining self-acceptance. The first step is crucial for more than just improving one’s self image. It also bridges a pathway for forgiving others, which can heal relationships and help bring inner peace. Alongside forgiveness, self-compassion is of the utmost importance because they work in tandem and because feelings of compassion can be extended to others more easily. 

Self- Acceptance

A man looking at a mask. Orange background.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Next, focusing on your gifts and strengths, ignoring your inner critic will make it easier to realize how truly wonderful each person is, or can be under the proper conditions. Furthermore, working through the trauma or “unhealed” feelings in the heart and soul can help create more compassion and understanding, while filling your space with more love and the ability to move forward. 

Let go of Perfection 

A young girl running with a balloon. Blurred greenery in the background.
Image Credit: Pixabay

While most people strive to be loved or seen as perfect by others, this creates an unrealistic expectation that perpetuates mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or a poor self-image. Instead, acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes, and no one can achieve perfection, will take away some of life’s pressures. 

General Health Practices

A black and white image of a person stretching out in front of a row of buildings.
Image Credit: Pixabay

Lastly, eating and sleeping well, getting regular exercise, and engaging in mindfulness practices like yoga or meditation all work together to help improve your self image. Interestingly, how you view yourself is also how you view others. As such, filling your cup with love and acceptance will make you less likely to judge or criticize others. Many people would prefer Bell’s challenges but her story is a reminder to love yourself as you are and treat others with more compassion and understanding. 

Read More: Woman Tells Story About How Her Smartphone ‘Ruined Her Life’