Humans have incredible capabilities, including the ability to display signs of intelligence. Whether emotional or intellectual, people have strengths that enrich their lives and allow them to educate others. According to experts, here are some examples.
1. Misdirected Diagnosis
Some people strive to be the smartest in the room but others prefer a more modest or humble approach. Either way, some traits or signs of intelligence are obvious, while others are surprising. For example, people who are “hyperactive” are often diagnosed with ADHD but some experts note that this behavior may be a sign of intelligence. Purportedly, people with this tendency often process information at a particularly rapid rate.
2. Listening is a sign of intelligence
Some people are enthusiastic about relating their experiences to others, and some are always planning what to say next to lend comfort or support. While both acts show you’re engaged in a conversation, they don’t always equate to being a good listener. However, being a good listener is believed to be a sign of intelligence for a few reasons. Firstly, wisdom and intelligence often go hand in hand and generally equate to someone who’s figured out there’s more to be gained by listening than by being heard.
3. They’re open to Feedback
Another sign of intelligence is receptiveness to feedback from others, or constructive criticism because intelligent people are always looking for opportunities for growth.
4. They Don’t Always Relate
Intelligent people often spend more time immersed in reading, studying, and absorbing new information, and less time in social situations. As such, they may have a hard time connecting with or relating to others and may say things that are offensive or inappropriate.
5. A Reasonable Explanation
Some believe that people who can explain a complex concept in different ways to resonate with different audiences often exhibit signs of intelligence.
6. Open-Mindedness is a Sign of Intelligence
The amount of information in the world is astounding. Someone can spend their whole life studying math, science, or literature, and still not know everything there is to know on the subject. Therefore, intelligent people often keep an open mind and are willing to change their perspective when they’re presented with new information.
7. Kindness is a sign of Intelligence
“My mom always says it takes a certain kind of intelligence to be kind, and I believe this to be true. It’s easy to get nasty in a fight. Staying level-headed or even nice to the other person takes patience and the knowledge of how to keep debating without turning it into a full-blown argument,” l42bfaf93b shared with Buzzfeed. They (and their mom) make a compelling point because intelligent people are thought to have more self-control and are more level headed.
8. Not Everyone Has the Same Opinion
Signs of intelligence also include one’s ability to not be swayed by others and to recognize that other people have different ideas. Essentially, they don’t lose hope, faith, or face, when others disagree with them. Instead, they try to educate when it’s welcomed, and avoid a heated conflict when it’s not, confident in themselves and their years of knowledge and experience.
9. Emotional Intelligence Counts
Emotional intelligence refers to one’s ability to identify and regulate their wants, needs, and feelings, and relate to others. Unfortunately, addressing emotions is uncomfortable and difficult for most people and requires patience, wisdom, and dedication. Therefore, people who are attuned to their emotions often exhibit signs of intelligence because they’ve done the work and explored topics that others prefer to avoid.
10. Empathy is a Sign of Intelligence
While intellect can play a role in social awkwardness, a person can counteract that by learning to differentiate their emotions. Doing so will give them the ability to better understand the emotions of others, often feeling empathy or compassion.
11. Perfection Isn’t a Sign of Intelligence
Signs of intelligence often include striving for growth but not perfection. Rather, according to the EU Business School, “accepting oneself as they are” represents signs of intelligence because “they’ve stopped striving for this unattainable state!”
However, they continue to grow and accept that they’re on a path of “endless improvement.”
12. They Live in Balance
People who often exhibit signs of intelligence also live a balanced life, ensuring their needs are met before extending themselves into work or helping others. Ultimately, preventing burnout or other mental health problems.
13. They’re Curious
Unsurprisingly, curiosity is a sign of intelligence because intelligent people are always looking to absorb new information and expand on their knowledge.