Bruce Abrahamse

Bruce Abrahamse

January 29, 2025

Heart Surgeon Reveals 4 Everyday Habits to Avoid for Better Health

Improving one’s overall health is something that many people strive towards nowadays. While we are aware of many of the things that wreak havoc in our bodies, there may be a few that surprise you. A heart surgeon, Dr. London, has recently shared that we should avoid these four everyday habits for better health. As someone who has worked as a doctor for more than two decades, he has picked up some very useful knowledge that could help you change your life for the better. Let’s explore these avoidable habits in the article below. 

Using Mouthwash

quit these everyday habits for better health, such as mouthwash
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Many people use mouthwash to complement their oral hygiene routine. In fact, according to, 37 percent of people in the United Kingdom use mouthwash regularly. However, some research suggests that you may actually be doing more damage than good! According to the heart surgeon, you should “Stop using mouthwash. This is one thing that I absolutely avoid as a cardiac surgeon”. This is because gargling mouthwash actually kills off both harmful and beneficial mouth bacteria indiscriminately. This leads to an imbalance in our guts, particularly mouthwash that is alcohol based. This is because the good bacteria present in the gut, the gut microbiome, starts in the mouth. 

Smoking Tobacco Products

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This one may not come as a surprise to anyone, especially since smoking tobacco kills more than 8 million people every year, according to the World Health Organization. It doesn’t matter whether you smoke cigarettes or puff on a vape, you are still increasing your chances of developing lung cancer and many other serious health conditions. According to Dr. London, it is the worst thing you can do to yourself. As he put it in his own words, “Smoking directly injures the lining of blood vessels, increases the chance of atherosclerosis and blockages, and causes cancer”. How serious is this issue? Well, smoking tobacco products is rated as the number one preventable cause of illnesses and death in the United Kingdom.

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Drinking Alcohol

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Another everyday habit that you should seriously consider dropping for good is drinking alcohol. While you may think that having the odd glass of wine won’t do any harm, the doctor warned that drinking even small quantities of alcohol increases your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. “It’s toxic to every cell in your body”, stated that heart surgeon. It is estimated that around 178,000 deaths are caused by excessive alcohol use every year in the United States alone. Furthermore, it causes around 7.1% of all emergency room visits. All in all, cutting alcohol out of your life will definitely improve your health and well-being. 

Consuming Processed Foods

processed snacks
Credit: Pexels

The doctor also emphasized the role of a good diet in maintaining your health. There is no way to achieve this goal if you are constantly consuming processed food and fast food. While junk food may be convenient, this comes with a price – and not only financially. According to the NHS, overconsumption of processed foods increases your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and bowel cancer. The heart surgeon’s advice is that you should aim to “Limit or remove processed foods from your diet”. Everything you put in your body either serves to heal you or harm you, so be selective of what you consume. The various fats, carbs, and proteins consumed provide the building blocks and fuel for every cell in your body. 

The Bottom Line on Removing Bad Everyday Habits for Better Health

healthy living
Credit: Pexels

If improving your health is a priority in your life, then taking this doctor’s advice to heart is highly recommended. Try cutting out these everyday habits for better health and see how your well-being changes. Cutting out processed food, stopping smoking, quitting alcohol, and refraining from using mouthwash will all help improve your health. Start today and before you know it, you will be feeling like a whole new person! 

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