Mayukh Saha

Mayukh Saha

July 24, 2024

15 Ways to Use Table Salt That Don’t Involve Cooking

There’s a humble mineral in your kitchen that has countless uses beyond flavoring your food – table salt! This versatile ingredient is a surprisingly effective solution for a wide range of household issues. It’s readily available, inexpensive, and often easier to use than many commercial cleaning products. From removing stubborn stains to enhancing your beauty routine, salt might just be the life hack you’ve been searching for.

1) Soothe a Bee Sting With Table Salt:

bee sting
Image Credits: Shutterstock

If you get stung by a bee, quickly cover the area with salt and apply a wet compress. The salt helps to draw out the venom and alleviate the pain. (Remember: if you’re allergic or experience severe symptoms, seek immediate medical help.)

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2) Clean a Cracked Egg:

Cracked Egg
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Dropped an egg? No problem. Sprinkle salt over the spill and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. The salt will coagulate the egg, making cleanup a breeze.

3) De-grease Your Kitchen Sponge:

Kitchen sponge
Image Credits: Shutterstock

After tackling greasy pots and pans, soak your sponge overnight in two cups of water and a handful of salt. In the morning, the grime will rinse away, leaving your sponge fresh and clean.

4) Run the Dishwasher:

Image Credits: Shutterstock

Create your own dishwasher soap by combining salt, baking soda, and dish soap. This budget-friendly mix cleans effectively, leaves no residue, and keeps dishes sparkling.

5) Keep Your Laundry Bright Using Table Salt:

Image Credits: Shutterstock

Add one or two cups of salt directly to your washing machine when laundering brightly colored towels or clothes. This helps to preserve their vibrant hues and prevent colors from fading.

6) Make Your Own Exfoliant:

Table Salt for back rub
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Combine salt with a touch of olive oil for a revitalizing scrub. This mixture effectively removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin smoother and more radiant.

7) Fix Those Smelly Shoes:

Image Credits: Shutterstock

Sprinkle a generous amount of salt into your shoes overnight. By morning, the salt will have absorbed unpleasant odors, leaving your footwear smelling fresh.

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8) Remove Odor from Your Hands:

Hand odor
Image Credits: Shutterstock

After handling pungent ingredients like garlic or fish, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Then, moisten your hands and rub them with a small amount of salt to neutralize lingering odors.

9) Clean Your Sticky Iron With Table Salt:

Sticky iron
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Place a sheet of wax paper on your ironing board and sprinkle it with salt. Run your hot iron over the paper, and the salt will help lift away any sticky residue.

10) Give Yourself a Manicure:

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Soak your fingertips for ten minutes in a mixture of one teaspoon each of salt, baking soda, and lemon juice in half a cup of hot water. Scrub with a nail brush, rinse, and enjoy softer cuticles and stronger nails.

11) Make a Natural Air Freshener:

Table Salt Freshener
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Scoop out the flesh of half an orange, lemon, or grapefruit and fill it with coarse salt. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for fragrance. This natural air freshener is both healthy and compostable.

12) Remove Coffee Stains:

Coffee stains
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Scrub stubborn coffee rings from your mugs with coarse salt. The abrasive texture helps to lift the stains without damaging the surface.

13) Heal Dry Skin and Soothe Acne:

Table salt
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Salt’s moisturizing and healing properties can benefit dry, itchy, or acne-prone skin. Add a cup of sea salt to a warm bath for a soothing soak, or mix one part salt with two parts honey for a calming face mask.

14) Chill White Wine Faster:

White wine
Image Credits: Shutterstock

In a bucket, combine ice, water, and a handful of salt. Place your bottle of white wine in the mixture for quicker chilling than the freezer alone.

15) Remove Wine Stains from the Carpet Using Table Salt:

Wine stain
Image Credits: Shutterstock

Blot the stain with a damp cloth, then cover it with a generous amount of salt. Leave it for at least eight hours, and the salt will draw out the liquid, making the stain easier to remove.

With these surprising uses for table salt, you’ll discover a whole new level of versatility for this everyday ingredient. It’s a simple, natural, and cost-effective way to tackle various household challenges and enhance your daily routine.

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