Bruce Abrahamse

Bruce Abrahamse

December 18, 2024

Mysterious Creatures Prompt Urgent Warning for Some UK Homeowners: Pour Boiling Water Down Drains

Drains can sometimes be really gross. People tend to pour all sorts of things down their drains and simply walk away. But, have you ever taken a good look at your drains? You may be surprised to find that there are a whole host of different creepy crawlies living there. One of these is known as drain flies and people in the United Kingdom are being told to pur boiling water down their drains if they see them. 

What Are Drain Flies?

the drain fly Clogmia albipunctata, is a bug and pest
Source: Shutterstock

Also known as moth flies, drain flies measure around one-fourth an inch in length. They are often called moth flies due to the fact their bodies and wings are covered in hairs. Drain flies are typically gray, black, or dark brown in color. They can usually be found in bathrooms, kitchens, or any area with standing water. Drain flies thrive anywhere the environment is filled with moisture and reproduce remarkably quickly. In fact, a female drain fly can lay up to 200 eggs at a time! 

What Attracts Flies to Your Home?

Credit: Pixabay

The drains that are connected to your showers, baths, and sinks are the perfect environment for drain flies to thrive. Their favorite habitats are damp areas with plenty of access to organic materials. Little scraps of food that go down the sink and hairs from the shower are examples of organic materials that attract drain flies. It’s almost impossible to completely eliminate these materials from your drains, yet there are still certain steps you can take that will help. 

Getting Rid of Pesky Drain Flies

kitchen drain
Credit: Pixabay

These flies are particularly attracted to houses with clogged drains. This is because they reproduce in any place with stagnant water and can feed on the organic matter present. While these pests are very annoying and evasive, it’s not impossible to get rid of them. There are a few steps you can take if you have an infestation and we have listed them below. 

Make Sure Your Drains Stay Clean

bathroom drain
Credit: Pixabay

It is essential that you clean your drains on a regular basis and avoid allowing water to sit for long periods of time. We suggest employing a small drain snake to remove hair clumps from bathroom drains. It’s also a good idea to have a Bio-Foam cleanser on hand for everyday use. Bio-Foam cleaners contain living bacteria that devour F.O.G. particles (fats, oils, and grease) that accumulate and attach to the walls of pipes, while the foaming action assures even distribution across the intended cleaning area. Just be remember to combine these products with your regular cleaning supplies for the best possible outcome.

A Helpful DIY Remedy

boiling water on stove
Credit: Pixabay

You might not even have to buy and additional products to get rid of your drain flies. In fact, you night already have a few things at home that you can use to combat drain flies. Try pouring a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down your drains to help break down organic waste. After that, rinse the drain with boiling or hot water.

Put Covers on Your Drains

drain cover
Credit: Pixabay

Drain covers can prevent pests from entering the drains in the first place. Get into the practice of covering your drains while they are not in use, especially when you are leaving your house for an extended period of time. 

Look Out for Potential Dampness Issues

water droplets
Credit: Pixabay

Although drain flies prefer living in bathrooms and kitchen drains, dampness in other areas of your home can worsen the problem. Being proactive and addressing issues such as leaks and inadequate ventilation early on will help make your property less appealing to drain flies. Look for any place where moisture might collect, or dampness may occur. 

When Do I Call A Professional?

man working on drain
Credit: Pixabay

Not all of us are the type who gets involved in home maintenance. For some, just the idea od dealing with bugs in drains makes them squirm. Additionally, every home is different and your home may have little nooks and crannies that are inaccessible to you. If any of the above applies to you, then maybe it’s better to leave it up to the professionals! 

The Bottom Line

kitchen sink
Credit: Pixabay

Let’s be honest, flies and drains are not exactly things we like to think about or deal with. However, not dealing with these kinds of issues only worsens the situation. Dealing with drain flies can be challenging, disgusting, and frustrating. However, with the appropriate strategy, they can be effectively eliminated and future infestations completely avoided. Regular drain maintenance, DIY solutions, and the proactive moisture-reduction methods discussed above can all help keep these pests away. But if the problem persists regardless of your best efforts, reach out for professional assistance.

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