Internet users are in shock after uncovering the true meaning behind the letters “HP” in HP Sauce. This revelation about the popular British condiment has left many people astonished and intrigued.
The Surprising Origin of HP Sauce
HP Sauce, commonly referred to as brown sauce, is a staple in many British breakfasts. Known for its rich and tangy flavor, it’s a favorite addition to bacon sandwiches and other morning meals. However, most people have never given much thought to the name “HP Sauce” and its origins. LadBible reveals all.
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A Closer Look at the Label
A significant clue to the meaning behind “HP” can be found on the bottle’s label. The logo features an iconic location in London: the Houses of Parliament, along with Westminster Bridge and Big Ben. Indeed, “HP” stands for the Houses of Parliament. This connection dates back to 1895 when Frederick Gibson Garton, a Nottingham grocer and the creator of HP Sauce, learned that his sauce was being served to Members of Parliament. He found this fact so remarkable that he decided to name his product after the famous institution.
Public Reaction to the Revelation
This information has recently resurfaced and gone viral, with many people expressing their surprise on social media. One person exclaimed, “What? Does it really mean that?” Another added, “I didn’t know that, it seems obvious now, but also incredibly weird as a brand name.” A third person admitted, “Not until just now I didn’t. I’m 47.”
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Other Brand Name Revelations
The surprise over HP Sauce is not an isolated incident. People have also been amazed by the hidden meanings behind other well-known brand names. For instance, the Amazon logo contains a subtle but clever message. Initially, founder Jeff Bezos considered naming the company “Cadabra,” but this was too easily confused with “cadaver.” According to the Sun, He then selected “Amazon,” inspired by the largest river in the world, symbolizing his ambition for the company to be vast and all-encompassing.
The Genius Behind the Amazon Logo
The Amazon logo is another example of hidden brilliance. While many assume the orange arrow beneath the name represents a smile, it actually points from “a” to “z.” This design highlights that Amazon sells a wide range of products, covering everything from A to Z. Brad Stone, in his book “The Everything Store,” explains that Bezos wanted a name and logo that reflected the company’s comprehensive reach and potential.
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