Sean Cate

Sean Cate

August 30, 2024

Feeling ‘Weird or Anxious’ Lately? There’s a Scientific Reason For It, and It Could Last 18 More Days

If you’ve been feeling out of sorts lately—unusually anxious, irritable, or just plain weird—you’re not alone. There’s a reason for these unsettling emotions, and it might be more cosmic than you think. Astrologers point to a phenomenon known as Mercury Retrograde, which could be responsible for your current emotional state.

What is Mercury Retrograde?

The Mercury Retrograde happens three or four times a year.
Credit: Getty

Mercury Retrograde is a cosmic optical illusion that occurs several times a year, making it appear as though Mercury is moving backward in the sky. This event is said to cause a variety of disruptions, including technological glitches, communication breakdowns, and even emotional turmoil like feeling anxious.1

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How Mercury Retrograde Affects Your Mood

There could an explanation as to why you're feeling so anxious this month.
Credit: Getty

According to astrologers, the backward motion of Mercury can create significant disturbances in our daily lives. People may feel more anxious or experience heightened emotions during this period. The retrograde is also known to bring about a sense of unease, making it difficult to focus or maintain a positive outlook.2

The Impact on Relationships

Woman checking natal chart. Beautiful hand drawn astrology background.
Credit: Shutterstock

Astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim explains that Mercury Retrograde can be a time of harsh reality checks, particularly in relationships. This cosmic event might lead to separations for some couples or, conversely, help solidify relationships by reaffirming commitments. It’s a time when unresolved issues can resurface, demanding attention.

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How Long Will This Last?

One of the clearest images we have of mercury
Credit: Pixabay

The current Mercury Retrograde is expected to last for a total of 23 days. As of now, you could be feeling anxious for another 18 days. During this period, astrologers advise focusing on mental health and carefully managing personal relationships.

What You Can Do to Cope

It's bets to be a little more prepared through this period if possible
Credit: Pixabay

While Mercury Retrograde can be challenging, it also offers an opportunity for introspection and growth. Grim suggests building in extra time for potential delays, proofreading important communications, and avoiding major decisions if possible. Use this time to complete unfinished projects and resolve lingering issues.

Finding the Silver Lining

It's a great time to tie up loose ends
Credit: Pixabay

Despite the challenges, Mercury Retrograde can also bring about positive changes. It offers a chance to rediscover passion in relationships, complete creative projects, and even find new joys in your local environment. By embracing the energy of this period, you can turn feeling anxious into opportunities for growth and renewal.

Embrace the Retrograde

At the end of the day, we just need to make the best of it
Credit: Pixabay

While Mercury Retrograde might make you feel anxious or unsettled, understanding the cosmic forces at play can help you navigate these emotions more effectively. Remember, this too shall pass, and with a little patience and mindfulness, you can emerge from this period stronger and more in tune with yourself and your surroundings.

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  1. Scientific reason you could be feeling ‘weird or anxious’ right now and it will continue for 18 days.” Lad Bible. Anish Vij. August 9, 2024.
  2. Scientist provides reason everyone might be feeling ‘weird or anxious’ at the moment.” Yahoo. Danny Gutmann. August 9, 2024.