Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

August 6, 2024

Owner Finances Thousands Of Acres To Off-Gridders And Wilderness Lovers!

If you’ve always dreamed of living off the land but had trouble with the first step of actually acquiring that land, then you’re in luck. A landowner is offering off grid land at a very low cost to anyone who is ready to live an alternative lifestyle. This is what you need to know.

Off-Grid Land for Alternative Living

Many of us have the desire to leave the rat race behind and live in a way that allows us to live more closely with nature. Unfortunately, due to economic collapse, job loss, and lack of credit, many of us simply don’t have the financial means to take that first step.

There is one man in the United States who wants to help people buy land so they can make their dream a reality. He has parcels of off-grid land that he is giving to anyone willing to take on the task of building a new, alternative life. (1)

Land is available in these locations (1):

  • California
  • Nevada
  • Arizona
  • Utah
  • New Mexico
  • Colorado
  • Texas
  • Missouri
  • Oklahoma
  • Kentucky
  • Michigan
  • West Virginia
  • Tennessee

Parcels range from just over 3 acres to 130 acres in a variety of terrains and climates, so there is something for everyone. (1)

True Off-Grid Living

The majority of them are completely off-the-grid, so it is recommended that once you’ve purchased your land, you arrange to have a solar system set up before you get out there, or at least another off-grid option for electricity. You can visit Solar Quote Machine to get an idea of what having a kit shipped to you would cost. (1)

Most of these parcels can be purchased with a $299 down payment and a $299 document fee. You can then finance the rest for up to 30 years. (1)

Read: A community of ‘voluntary anarchists’ is taking off-the-grid living to the next level

The Importance of Self-Sustained Living

If there’s anything that the year 2020 has shown us so far, it’s that we have an urgent need to start taking better care of our planet and of each other. From crazy wildfires, locust plagues, natural disasters, global pandemics, and systemic racism and hate, now, more than ever before, we must make changes.

Thankfully, making your life more sustainable isn’t as daunting a task as you may think. In fact, plenty of regular people just like you and I are making these changes every single day. 

For example, the people who live in Fortitude Ranch in West Virginia have built a community that is ready for quite literally anything. No power? No problem. No more grocery stores? They’re fully stocked. This community is essentially entirely self-reliant, so no matter how dire circumstances become, they will be okay.

A more sustainable way of life is feasible for families, as well. This family of seven (two parents and five daughters) lives completely off-the-grid in Northern Canada, no less! They built their own solar-powered home on a $25,000 budget that is suitable for all four of the seasons that the Great White North can throw at them. They have back-up generators, a water system that collects and purifies rainwater, a wood-fire stove, and a bucket toilet and decomposition system.

Urban Exodus

Since the COVID-19 pandemic has shut down essentially everything and cities no longer offer the entertainment and convenience in exchange for their hefty price tag like they once did, many people are choosing to leave for quite literally greener pastures.

This urban exodus not only has people moving to the country but has people taking control over their lives. People are more interested in at-home farming, so they will always be able to provide for their families no matter what global crisis comes next. This desire to be more self-reliant is not just personal, but also commercial. Big businesses are ditching their downtown offices and transitioning their companies to be entirely remote, for good. Now that many more people are permanently working from home, it’s easier to live in a place where you can grow and produce your own food right in your backyard. 

The Bottom Line

Is off-the-grid living for you? That depends entirely on you. How much time, energy, and money you have to spend up-front, and how much work you are willing to put in.

Not only is it a huge amount of work to get your living situation set up, especially if you plan on DIY-ing most of it, but the work doesn’t stop when the house is built and functional. Living off-grid takes work, dedication, and constant planning. There is a lot to think about, so make sure you’ve fully done your research before you get yourself in too deep.

Keep Reading: Project combines hemp and solar to go totally off grid


  1. https://offgridquest.com/rural-land/Acres-and-acres
  2. https://www.classiccountryland.com/index