Stacy Robertson Profile Overview

Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

Writer and researcher

Stacy Robertson is a writer and researcher with a B.A and an M.A in English Studies, and a strong will to literally touch all areas of life especially health by her own chosen form of artistic expression. Stacy has authored several articles on a range of different topics concerning nutrition plans and diet benefits for different kinds of people.
 · 4 min read

Funeral home adopts Bernese mountain dog to comfort grieving families

If you have a dog, you should count yourself lucky to have such a loyal companion. Dogs are wonderful pets that offer surprising and fantastic benefits, which include longer lifespan, cutting down on stress, anxiety, and lots more. What’s more? Dogs even can empathize with people who are grieving. In a study published in the […]

Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

Writer and researcher

 · 3 min read

Parents are Imperfect, Flawed Human Beings, Just Like Everyone Else

All parents make mistakes in upbringing. There’s no perfect parent. However, when the mistakes recur frequently, especially abusive behavior, it may lead to a toxic environment that causes emotional damage to the children. As they become adults, some may minimize parents’ flaws on the basis of not being overtly abusive or dysfunctional. For others, it […]

Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

Writer and researcher

 · 4 min read

Going Gray Gracefully: Why I Stopped Coloring My Hair

Early graying is a cause of concern for a lot of people, especially women. We feel we have to keep up with this societal image of perfection, and gray hair isn’t normally included in the approved mix. Well, sorry to burst society’s bubble, gray hair is absolutely gorgeous. Rachel Jonat realized this at the age […]

Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

Writer and researcher

 · 3 min read

People Are Refusing To Use Self-Checkout Because It’ll “Kill Jobs”

A lot of Canadian shoppers are on an uprising against the use of self-checkout machines in stores and malls, and their cause is justified. An interview done by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) recently shows that there a lot of people who are strongly against the deployment of these machines, because they’ll increase unemployment in […]

Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

Writer and researcher