Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Environmental Advocate

Thomas is an Oregon-based environmental advocate, a lover of the outdoors, and has an at times unhealthy obsession with chickens.

Strokes are highly prevalent; in fact, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds (1)!  Furthermore, every four minutes someone dies of a stroke, and more than 795,000 people per year will have a stroke(1), the statistics are staggering.  The prevalence of stroke, combined with the debilitating and life-altering effects such as paralysis, vision problems, memory loss,...

Mornings can be tough and winter always makes them tougher. So whenever I stumble across hacks that help my days start as smoothly as possible, I’m all over it! One of the biggest time savers I’ve tried myself is this sock trick for fogged up windows. In this article, I’ll explain how to defog windows...