Strokes are highly prevalent; in fact, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds (1)! Furthermore, every four minutes someone dies of a stroke, and more than 795,000 people per year will have a stroke(1), the statistics are staggering. The prevalence of stroke, combined with the debilitating and life-altering effects such as paralysis, vision problems, memory loss,...
Thomas Nelson
Environmental Advocate
Thomas is an Oregon-based environmental advocate, a lover of the outdoors, and has an at times unhealthy obsession with chickens.
Once you finish your paper towel rolls, don’t throw them away! There are so many nifty ways you can transform a simple cardboard roll into beautiful decorative pieces and storage utilities for your home. Use Old Paper Towel Rolls To Start Seeds Cardboard is biodegradable and can be absorbed by the plants to aid its...
Our planet is a strange and wondrous place full of amazingly beautiful scenery all across it. There’s still so much to be discovered in the world, however, so sometimes when we see these incredible natural phenomenon we find it hard to believe they’re real. Natural Phenomenon That Look Like They Couldn’t Be Real Especially since...
To receive a cancer diagnosis, or have someone close to you be diagnosed with cancer, is a truly devastating experience. Around the world, cancer is the second most common cause of death. [1] In 2020, it’s expected that more than 1.8 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer and more than 600,000 will die from...
Mornings can be tough and winter always makes them tougher. So whenever I stumble across hacks that help my days start as smoothly as possible, I’m all over it! One of the biggest time savers I’ve tried myself is this sock trick for fogged up windows. In this article, I’ll explain how to defog windows...
Any time I go for a road trip, I know I’m going to need snacks. It not only helps keep hunger at bay and keep me on the road, but a good snack helps me stay alert. Ever since I decided to do a ketogenic diet though, traditional snacks were out the window. So what’s...
Fake news is a broad term that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. Some use it to describe content that is outright false, written in a misleading way, or as an attack on content they personally disagree with, regardless of accuracy. At The Hearty Soul, we define fake news...
It’s clear as a sunny, summer day that distributed solar power is increasing in popularity. In 2013, a new solar power system was installed in the United States every 4 minutes. [1] By 2015, the number of new solar power systems installed in the United States accelerated to one every 2.5 minutes. [2] And last...
Last year, Californians near Lake Berryessa reservoir, located 75 miles north of San Francisco, were treated to a rare sight: a so-called “glory hole” in the reservoir draining excess rainwater. It’s been described as an inverted fountain and, perhaps less gloriously, like a toilet being flushed. No matter how you describe it, it’s an unusual...
Many Americans love bald eagles. After all, this symbolic bird is the national emblem of the United States and has been since 1782. The bald eagle was chosen as the national emblem for the US because they were long-lived, strong, and majestic in appearance. At the time, they were believed only to live in North...
Polar bears are an iconic creature, their white fur, and giant size is unmistakable. But humans have been taking these creatures for granted for far too long. To say that the polar bear is in trouble is a bit of an understatement. According to the IUCN red list, polar bears are considered vulnerable [1]. In...
I love camping, but as I’ve gotten older, it’s become harder to camp due to various aches and pains involved with sleeping on anything but a nice mattress. Air mattresses are okay for a while, and sleeping pads definitely take a lot of the harshness out of sleeping on the ground, but my back often...