Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson

Environmental Advocate

Thomas is an Oregon-based environmental advocate, a lover of the outdoors, and has an at times unhealthy obsession with chickens.

There are countless examples of opulence and luxury demand doing significant harm to the natural world, but few are more absurd and heartbreaking than the poaching of Tibet’s rare antelopes for scarves. Tibetan antelopes considered near threatened and are being quickly wiped out due to the demand for a $20,000 luxury scarf called a shahtoosh...

Horses were first domesticated 6,000 years ago in the grasslands of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan [1] and have played a huge role in human history. For countless centuries, horses were the quickest way for humans to get from point A to point B. Today, there are more than 9 million horses in the USA alone....

Visit a social media platform like Instagram or Facebook and search the words “off-grid” and you’ll probably find a lot of accounts talking about the benefits and drawbacks of living off the grid. People choose off-grid living to simplify their lives and to be more eco-friendly. Some do it just to prove that in a...