Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

May 3, 2024

Global Warming and Mind-Eating Parasites Could Be Creating World-Wide Intelligence Gap

This article was originally published on December 21, 2018, and has since been updated.

It’s no secret… Global warming is happening rapidly all over the world. In addition to normally warm regions experiencing hotter temperatures, even the United States can testify to changes and inconsistencies in the weather as the seasons change.

The country’s wealth, prominence and resources can’t put a stop global warming. They’ll rather intensify it because industrialization is the main trigger, and America is a forerunner in the revolution.

Tourism has its good and bad effects. Third world countries are the most affected by global warming, and certain parasites get easily transmitted through several means across the continental borders.

The United States is rapidly becoming a breeding ground for Toxocariasis, Cysticercosis and Cytomegalovirus, health-hazardous parasites commonly found in third world countries.

Toxocariasis has affected up to 2.8 million people in the United States alone in the last five years, with a prevalence rate of up to 40% around the world.

This fever-inducing, retina-scarring parasite is found mostly in dog and cat feces, and is getting very notorious around the inner cities of the United States.

A lot of people living in such areas have either ditched having pets or have begun taking their pets for regular check-ups, and are carefully watching what the animals consume.

It really doesn’t have to be about your home pet. You or your kids could come in unknowing contact with feces from stray dogs or cats.

What Is Cytomegalovirus?

Cytomegalovirus is literally one of the most horrifying of these terrible intercontinental viruses.

According to WSJ researchers, it affects nearly 35,000 new born babies in the US annually, leaving around 8,000 with birth defects, prevalent around the Inner cities.

The virus is transmitted through bodily fluids and leaves the poor babies with congenital defect, especially retardation.

And then there’s the big shot, Cysticercosis, the tapeworm pig menace, currently having a high prevalence of 170,000 cases annually, thriving steadily in the Southern US border regions and Latin America.

The tapeworm is mostly found in pork meat, and it causes blurred vision, migraines and recurrent seizures.

Side Effects of Parasitic infection Episodes

Parasites don’t just stir concern for the general well-being of the Public, they greatly affect human intelligence and intellectual resources.

The United States is becoming warmer and hotter as the years wear on, and these parasites thrive tremendously in warm regions.

According to NASA, the planet’s average temperature has risen by about 1.62 degrees since the 19th century, which is relatively major. A lot of revenue is spent annually at health programs and public enlightenment campaigns, as a means to educate the people on the reality they’ve refused to accept.

These parasites are not just restricted to developing countries alone, because they’re not the only ones getting cooked up by global warming.

And as they continue to thrive, the parasites evolve and develop new strains and variants, which would most likely be more resistant and harmful than their parent cells.

The side effects of most of the diseases and sick bouts caused by these parasites could be highly neurological.

This will only lead to the reduction of human intelligence and intellectual capabilities, especially through new born babies. They’ll initiate the diminishing of human resources and capital, which will take a great toll of international and global productivity.

Education and acculturation will become even more difficult than they already are, because the effects of these ailments are long-term.

ACTV-1, A (Literal) Mind-Eating Virus

If a clamp isn’t quickly put on the evolution and prevalence of these parasites, human intellect and intelligence will be greatly diminished as time goes on.

People have refused to grasp the idea, but these parasites are evolving as rapidly as can be imagined, and the effects of their evolution isn’t to be taken lightly at all.

A chlorovirus called ACTV-1, discovered by John Hopkins bio-scientists, was prevalent in plant algae before developing a new strain that can thrive in human bodies and organs, causing Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in 30% of the affected persons.

Disheartening findings have been made on the effects of MCI on these victims: Poor calculation skills, short attention span, mild dyslexia and several other cognitive disabilities that put them at an intellectual disadvantage.

The Way Forward

The US government spends hundreds of millions of dollars annually on the CDC and other agencies established for the discovery and control of parasites and parasitic disease, but more effort will have to be funnelled into these causes.

Times are changing, and human capital resources will be greatly depleted in the next two decades or so, if great care is not taken to nip the issue in the bud before it becomes too late.

People should be more attentive to their cleanliness of their surroundings, to prevent carrier animals from depositing harmful feces.

H/t: Big Think