Chantel Brink
Chantel Brink
May 17, 2024 ·  7 min read

10+ Illustrations Depicting the Harsh Truth About Modern Society

Italian illustrator Marco Melgrati is currently living in Mexico City where he creates strikingly poignant art that urges us to question modern society while reflecting on our collective past. Throughout his career, Melgrati has done editorial work for international newspapers and magazines. However, his creativity has reached the online masses and resulted in quite the following. Scroll down and you will see why.

Melgrati has a unique way of capturing real “headline” events and, in a time where many people avoid engaging with news

Italian illustrator  art
Image Credit: Marco Melgrati

Melgrati has a unique way of capturing real “headline” events and, in a time where many people avoid engaging with news like the plague, his artwork somehow makes you want to care again. In a February 2016 interview with Digital Arts, Melgrati said:

“What I love about illustration is that it’s so connected to real life – working for newspapers and magazines forces you to think about what’s happening in the world… That’s why a lot of my work talks about war and social media: war because unfortunately it is always present in man’s history (and these days are no exception); and social media and the internet because they are one of the greatest cultural changes in the history of human culture.”

Whether you’re a fan of art or not, you have to agree with Melgrati. What’s more, his illustrations are relevant to everyone’s life in one way or another. So, let’s take a look at some of his powerful illustrations that shine a bright light on some dark truths…

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Power, Justice, Propaganda

Power, Justice, Propaganda
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In Melgrati’s exploration of “Power, Justice, Propaganda,” he delves into the intricate interplay between these three influential forces within society. Through thought-provoking illustrations, Melgrati exposes the complex dynamics that shape societal narratives. Revealing how power can distort justice and how propaganda can manipulate perceptions. By shedding light on these interconnected themes, Melgrati prompts viewers to critically examine the power structures that govern their lives and the role of justice in maintaining societal equilibrium.

Keep Your Cool, No Matter What

Keep Your Cool, No Matter What
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Melgrati’s “Keep Your Cool, No Matter What” encapsulates the essence of composure in the face of adversity. Through evocative imagery, Melgrati portrays individuals maintaining their calm amidst chaos, embodying resilience and inner strength. The artwork serves as a visual reminder of the importance of maintaining emotional balance, urging viewers to remain steadfast in the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties.

“Current Account: A Voluntary Offer To Maintain Your Bank.” Ambroise Bierce, The Devils Dictionary

“Current Account: A Voluntary Offer To Maintain Your Bank.” Ambroise Bierce, The Devils Dictionary
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In this piece inspired by Ambroise Bierce’s quote, Melgrati offers a satirical commentary on the voluntary sacrifices individuals make to uphold societal norms. Through clever visual representation, Melgrati juxtaposes the concept of maintaining one’s “current account” with the notion of preserving one’s sanity in the modern world. The artwork serves as a thought-provoking reflection on the compromises individuals often make in their pursuit of societal acceptance and stability.

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One Love

One Love
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Marco Melgrati’s “One Love” encapsulates the universal concept of love transcending barriers. Through his art, Melgrati portrays diverse individuals coming together in unity and harmony, emphasizing the interconnectedness of humanity. The artwork serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of love to bridge divides and foster empathy and compassion.

The Cave

The Cave
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Marco Melgrati’s “The Cave” draws inspiration from Plato’s allegory, symbolizing the journey from ignorance to enlightenment. Through captivating visuals, Melgrati captures the struggle of individuals confined by illusions and societal constraints. The artwork serves as a metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery, urging viewers to venture beyond the shadows of ignorance towards enlightenment and truth.

It’s A Tough World Out There!

It’s A Tough World Out There!
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In “It’s A Tough World Out There!,” Marco Melgrati confronts the harsh realities of contemporary existence. Through evocative imagery, Melgrati portrays individuals navigating through life’s challenges and adversities. The artwork serves as a reflection on the resilience of the human spirit amidst adversity, reminding viewers of the strength and fortitude required to persevere in a world full of obstacles.

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Victoria’s Secret Angels Beauty Stereotype

Victoria's Secret Angels Beauty Stereotype
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Marco Melgrati’s exploration of the “Victoria’s Secret Angels Beauty Stereotype” critiques societal standards of beauty and femininity. Through his illustrations, Melgrati challenges the narrow portrayal of beauty perpetuated by the media and fashion industries. The artwork prompts viewers to question unrealistic beauty ideals and embrace diverse representations of beauty, advocating for body positivity and self-acceptance.

Too Smart?

Too Smart?
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In “Too Smart?,” Marco Melgrati examines the consequences of intellectual superiority in a society that often fears intelligence. Through thought-provoking visuals, Melgrati depicts individuals ostracized or marginalized for their intellect. The artwork serves as a commentary on societal attitudes towards intelligence, highlighting the challenges faced by those deemed “too smart” for their own good.

No Limit

No Limit
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Marco Melgrati’s “No Limit” celebrates the boundless potential of the human spirit. Through dynamic illustrations, Melgrati portrays individuals breaking free from constraints and pushing beyond perceived limitations. The artwork serves as a reminder of the endless possibilities that await those who dare to dream and pursue their passions with determination and courage.

A Surreal Morning

A Surreal Morning
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In “A Surreal Morning,” Marco Melgrati transports viewers into a world of whimsy and imagination. Through surreal imagery, Melgrati captures the dreamlike quality of a morning filled with unexpected surprises and fantastic encounters. The artwork invites viewers to embrace the magic of the ordinary and find beauty in the unexpected moments of everyday life.

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Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Marco Melgrati’s “Evolution” offers a dreamy exploration of humanity’s evolutionary journey. Through captivating visuals, Melgrati traces the progress of human civilization from its primal origins to its technological advances. The artwork prompts viewers to reflect on the complexities of human evolution and the impact of societal and technological changes on the course of history.


Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In “Halloween,” Marco Melgrati taps into the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the popular holiday. Through haunting imagery, Melgrati captures the spirit of Halloween, evoking a sense of excitement and suspense. The artwork transports viewers into a world of witches, ghosts, and ghouls, asking them to embrace the thrill of the supernatural and the unknown.

“Political Correctness Is Fascism Pretending To Be Manners” – George Carlin

“Political Correctness Is Fascism Pretending To Be Manners” – George Carlin
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Marco Melgrati’s interpretation of George Carlin’s quote challenges conventional notions of political correctness. Through stirring visuals, Melgrati critiques the stifling effects of excessive censorship and conformity. The artwork serves as a reminder of the importance of free speech and independent thought, urging viewers to question authority and challenge societal norms.

Dinner At Your Place

Dinner At Your Place
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In “Dinner At Your Place,” Marco Melgrati invites viewers into a scene of intimacy and connection. Through warm and inviting imagery, Melgrati captures the social atmosphere of sharing a meal with loved ones. The artwork celebrates the joy of joint dining and the bonds forged through shared experiences, reminding viewers of the importance of connection and togetherness.

The Importance Of Cognitive Emotions And Social Skills In Kids’ Development

The Importance Of Cognitive Emotions And Social Skills In Kids’ Development
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Marco Melgrati’s exploration of the importance of cognitive emotions and social skills in kids’ development emphasizes the holistic nature of childhood growth. Through insightful illustrations, Melgrati highlights the relationship between cognitive, emotional, and social development in shaping children’s identities. The artwork serves as a call to prioritize nurturing these essential skills in young minds, enabling empathy, strength, and real, human connections.

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Verified Some Things Never Change

Verified Some Things Never Change
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In “Verified Some Things Never Change,” Marco Melgrati reflects on the timeless nature of certain human behaviors and patterns. Through powerful visuals, Melgrati juxtaposes historical and contemporary scenes, revealing striking similarities across different eras. The artwork serves as a reminder of the eternal qualities of human nature and the cyclical nature of history. Driving viewers to reflect on the lessons of the past and their relevance to the present.

S*xual Harassment By A CEO On Female Employees, Taking Advantage Of His Powerful Position

S*xual Harassment By A CEO On Female Employees, Taking Advantage Of His Powerful Position
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

Marco Melgrati’s definition of sexual harassment by a CEO on female employees confronts the abuse of power and gender inequality common in corporate settings. Through powerful imagery, Melgrati sheds light on the vulnerability of women subjected to exploitation and harassment in the workplace. The artwork serves as a call to action against workplace misconduct. Advocating for systemic change and accountability in addressing harassment and discrimination.

On Top And Bottom

On Top And Bottom
Image Credit: m_melgrati Instagram

In “On Top And Bottom,” Marco Melgrati explores themes of order and power dynamics within society. Through thought-provoking visuals, Melgrati illustrates the unequal distribution of power and privilege. Some individuals are placed at the top, while others decline at the bottom. The artwork prompts viewers to critically examine social structures and the impact of inequality on individual lives. Advocating for greater equity and justice.

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