Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

March 19, 2024

Woman Stops Using Shampoo For 6 Months, This Is What Happened To Her Hair

Personal Experience

You know that squeaky-clean feeling we all love when we get out of the shower and have freshly washed hair? It turns out that is not a good thing. When you wash your hair, even with natural shampoos, you are stripping your scalp of its natural oils. These natural oils then can’t travel down and moisturize the shaft of your hair and the ends, leaving your hair dry, damaged, and dull looking. To make matters worse, in response to the removal of natural oils, your scalp begins to overproduce oil to try to rectify the problem. Of course, these oils never actually make it to the ends of your hair, instead, they just cause your hair to look greasy much faster than it normally should. Enter The ‘No-Poo'(No Shampoo) method, a way of washing your hair that doesn’t use shampoo.

The Problem With Conventional Shampoo

Six white plastic bottles with shampoo and conditioner and shower gel on a white background.
Source: Shutterstock

Conventional shampoos have been widely used for decades, but they come with several problems that have led many individuals to explore alternative methods like the no-poo approach. One primary issue with conventional shampoos is that they often contain harsh chemicals such as sulfates, parabens, and synthetic fragrances. These chemicals can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness, frizziness, and even scalp irritation or dandruff. Furthermore, some of these ingredients have been linked to potential health risks, including hormone disruption and allergic reactions.

Another problem with conventional shampoos is that they create a dependency on frequent washing. Since they strip away natural oils, the scalp compensates by producing more oil to keep the hair moisturized. This can result in an oily scalp and the need for more frequent shampooing, which further exacerbates the problem. Additionally, excessive washing can contribute to environmental concerns, as the chemicals from shampoos eventually end up in water systems, potentially causing pollution.

Read More: Woman Whose Hair Turned Gray at 21 Says She Feels Sexier Than Ever At 43

The No-Poo Movement

Unfocused naked woman showering, bathing and washing long hair in shower under refreshing water jet through the bath screen with little drops
Source: Shutterstock

On the other hand, the no-poo method promotes using alternative cleansing techniques to achieve healthy, balanced hair. It often involves using natural ingredients like baking soda, apple cider vinegar, or even just water, which are gentler on the hair and scalp. By eliminating harsh chemicals, the no-poo method aims to restore the natural oils in the hair, leading to improved hair health, reduced frizz, and increased shine. Additionally, by reducing the need for frequent washing, the no-poo method helps save water and reduces the environmental impact associated with shampoo production and disposal.

Overall, the no-poo method offers an alternative approach to hair care that addresses the problems associated with conventional shampoos. By using natural ingredients and minimizing chemical exposure, this method promotes healthier hair, scalp, and a more eco-friendly hair care routine

After reading several blogs written by women who had decided to forgo shampoo for a cheaper, healthier alternative, such as this girl who had a similar experience to my own, I decided to take the leap and give it a try. She swapped her store-bought shampoo for apple cider vinegar and baking soda for 6 months, and the effect was fantastic:

My Personal No-Poo Experiment

Young woman combing dirty greasy hair on gray background.
Source: Shutterstock

I first decided to try the no-poo movement, which involves using baking soda and apple cider vinegar instead of shampoo and conditioner, in January 2017. By this point in my life, I had already worked my way down to only washing my hair once or twice a week, so it wasn’t a huge stretch for me to start trying this new form of natural hair care.

My No-Poo Routine

no poo, baking soda shampoo
My Hair before no-poo: Dried, split ends, not super shiny

My no-poo shampoo routine was as follows:

  • 1-2 tablespoons of organic baking soda, mixed with water to form a runny paste
  • 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a medium-sized spray bottle of water

To shampoo, I wet my hair, and then massage the baking soda mixture into my scalp (not down the shaft of the hair). After a few failed attempts at fully cleaning my hair, I learned that if part way through washing I flip my head upside down, I can more easily reach the crown, though not everyone has a problem with this.

To condition, I spray the apple cider vinegar-water solution on the shaft, focusing mostly on the ends of my hair. I let it sit for no more than a minute, then rinse it out.

Read More: 5 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Be Beneficial to Your Hair

The Results

no poo, baking soda shampoo
Hair after no poo: Shiny, has body, no dried split ends even several months after a trim

The first week of my experiment went great. I had read that most people have to go through a “transition period” of anywhere from two to six weeks while their scalp adjusts to not needing to produce so much oil, so I was pleasantly surprised by how clean my hair felt. I was also shocked at how well the apple cider vinegar solution de-tangled my hair!

The second week, however, was a bit of a reality check. I struggled to get my hair clean, especially with certain places on my head, the crown in particular. The challenge is getting used to not having that squeaky-clean feeling, and being able to tell if you’ve missed places. I essentially had to re-learn how to wash my hair (insert head-flip discovery here).

I was ready to give up and go back to my old routine, but I had promised myself I would stick it out for one whole month before making my final verdict. It was then, in the fourth week of my experiment, that it clicked. My hair was shiny, thick, and healthy. My split ends were gone, and my hair was less frizzy, even when I let it dry naturally.

I have now been using this no-poo method for six months and am still loving it. I’m saving money and my hair looks better than ever before. It was hard at first, but I promise you, going no-poo is worth every penny that you aren’t spending on store-bought shampoo.

Tips for Going No-Poo

A woman uses hand to measure the water temperature from a water heater before taking a shower
Source: Shutterstock

Over the past six months, I have been washing my hair this way, I have picked up a few helpful hints that may ease your transition into shampoo-free life.

  1. Go Slowly:
    As I mentioned, I already was only washing my hair once or twice a week, so the amount of oil my scalp was producing was significantly less than if I had been washing it every day. To help shorten the transition period, start by simply washing your hair less. If you wash every day, wash every other day, if you wash four times each week, move down to three. You should be able to work your way down to once or twice a week relatively quickly.
  2. Don’t Worry About Sweat 
    I often hear women, especially active women who sweat often, say they “have” to wash their hair every day because they sweat every day. I have been involved in sports my entire life, and have been a competitive distance runner for the last twelve years. I work out five to six days a week, sweat a lot, and sweat often, but rarely has this made my hair look bad. Once the sweat drys, your hair looks like normal. Occasionally, after a particularly steamy summer track session, I may rinse my hair with water, but I still stuck to shampooing only a couple of times.
  3. Use Lemon Juice
    One common complaint is that you tend to get more dandruff washing your hair this way. While I haven’t had too many problems with this, if I ever find my head is getting itchy, I mix a teaspoon or so of lemon juice into the baking soda-water mixture, and this solves the problem.
  4. Don’t Deep Condition
    Trust me when I tell you: If you deep condition, the no-poo method will not get all that oil etc out of your hair! Deep conditioning still has a place in my hair care routine, and can in yours too, however when I do choose to do this (roughly once a month), I use an organic shampoo to wash the hair mask out. I still use the same apple cider vinegar conditioner, though.
  5. You May Need to Adjust Your Measurements
    Those with thin straight hair can get away with using less baking soda, but if your hair is thicker, and especially if it is thick and curly, you may need to use more. Over time, you will find you need to use less and less.
  6. Don’t start washing your hair everyday again
    You worked your way down to washing a couple times a week, and you should stick to it! Remember, the natural oils need time to travel from your scalp down to the ends of your hair. Washing, even with no-poo, can sabotage that.
  7. Your Hair Won’t feel “Clean” In the shower
    This was hard to get used to at first, but your hair, in particular the shaft, won’t feel clean while your in the shower. Once you get out and your hair drys, however, you’ll be left with shiny, moisturized hair!
  8. Your Hair Won’t Smell Like Salad Dressing
    You may be taken aback by the smell of the apple cider vinegar when you first put it on in the shower. Once you rinse, and once it dries, you won’t smell it at all. Your hair will just smell like, well, hair.
  9. Stick it Out
    Like I said, the first few weeks can be tough. It took me four to six weeks to fully adjust, but now, just like the girl in this article, have been happily no-pooing for six months. Stay strong and keep trying, because eventually, your scalp adjusts, you figure out exactly what your hair needs, and you’re left with gorgeous, healthy hair!

Not ready for the no-poo method yet, but still want to try something other than store-bought shampoos? Try these homemade shampoo recipes to help ease your transition into a more natural hair care routine.

What is your hair care routine like? Have you tried more natural approaches to hair care, or would you consider trying the no-poo method? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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  1. What’s in Your Shampoo? Check for These Ingredients Before You Lather Up.” Healthline. Jessica Timmons. October 21, 2021