You hear it every time the microwave stops working, your iPhone screen cracks, the blender’s motor burns out, or the coffee pot starts leaking. As soon as something breaks down, you hear the voice of your dad, your aunt, your grandpa, or even your middle-aged neighbor, declaring “they don’t make ‘em like they used to!”...
Brittany Hambleton
The Hearty Soul Team
Brittany is a freelance writer and editor with a Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition and a writer’s certificate from the University of Western Ontario. She enjoyed a stint as a personal trainer and is an avid runner. Brittany loves to combine running and traveling, and has run numerous races across North America and Europe. She also loves chocolate more than anything else… the darker, the better!
The deep sea is full of fascinating- albeit terrifying- creatures, that look more like they jumped out of the pages of a sci-fi novel rather than real life. For the general public, images of these creatures can often be jarring, but for ocean scientists, they’re simply a part of everyday life. Every so often, however,...
Today, the earth’s north and south poles appear as frozen wastelands, inhabitable for only a select few plants and animals. With temperatures dropping as low as -100 Fahrenheit (-75 degrees Celsius) in Antarctica during the winter months, it is not surprising that most of the world’s plants and animals choose to take up residence closer to...
Over ten percent of the U.S. population has Diabetes, which means that there are millions of people across the country who have to rely on insulin shots to keep their blood sugar under control [1]. Taking an insulin shot can be painful, is often inconvenient, and can result in visible scars that may never heal....
How tidy is your house? Does it look like something out of an Ikea showroom, where everything is organized and is so clean it looks like no one even lives there? Or does it fall on the opposite end of the spectrum, where there are dishes piling up in the sink and so much clutter...
Most of us know that we should not approach, pet, or distract a service dog in any way. These dogs have an important job to do, and impeding their ability to do it could put their owner’s safety in jeopardy. But what if a service dog approaches you without its owner? A 2018 viral Twitter...
At one time in history, hunting and trapping were a significant part of the fabric of North American culture. Over the last century, however, individuals and groups have become increasingly opposed to the activities, and farming and conventionally-raised animals have replaced wild game as a food source. Since then, wildlife management administrators and policymakers have...
Do you have a child or teenager who always seems “on edge”, or who can erupt into a complete rage at any given moment? Or is your kid kind of depressed, apathetic, or has deflated into a constant mood of being dull and uninterested? Your first instinct might be to jump into diagnosis mode and...
The #metoo movement, which started in 2006, was founded to support survivors of sexual violence. The hashtag went viral in less than six months, and started an important conversation about the prevalence of sexual violence in our society which has since then dominated the national dialogue [1]. With all the attention surrounding the rape culture...
The organization “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, aka, PETA, has been known for making outrageous claims and statements in the past. From requesting a gravestone for lobsters who died in a truck crash, to claiming that cow milk is a symbol of white supremacy, they have more than once indulged in the ridiculous...
In 1970, architect Michael Reynolds came up with a concept for how to build houses that were completely self-sustaining, allowing residents to live off-the-grid. This idea led to the creation of “Earthships”. Today, there are 79 of these peculiar-looking houses sitting just outside of Taos, New Mexico, in a community known as the “Greater World...
There has been a long-standing debate as to whether or not humans should sleep with their pets. Some argue that having a dog or a cat in your bed is unhygienic, and others say it makes getting a good night’s sleep more difficult. Despite this, one survey found that 55 percent of pet owners allow their...