Maria Sykes Profile Overview

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

Marie Sykes is an Ontario based writer with a background in research and a love for holistic wellness. She's especially interested in boosting awareness for women's health issues. Once a shunner of gyms, Marie has found an appreciation for weight training and HIIT circuits. She enjoys trying cuisine from all over the world, and she also enjoys not caring two cents what other people think her body should look like.
 · 3 min read

Scientist May Have Discovered a Drug that Fixes Cavities and Regrows Teeth

Professor Paul Sharpe of King’s College London Dental Institute thinks he’s found a revolutionary new way to treat tooth decay: by teaching your body to regenerate damaged teeth in a short period of time. Cavity Fillings vs. Tideglusib To start, it will help to understand a little about how your body usually responds to damage […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy the Key to Treating Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a tricky condition to diagnose and an even trickier one to treat. The painful condition that affects women more often than men isn’t even widely recognized throughout the medical community, making the hunt for treatments a slow-going process. However, a team of researchers point to one potential treatment as a viable option for […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

Teenager’s Near-Death Experience with Stevens Johnson Syndrome from Lamictal Prescription

“I could have died. I’m glad I didn’t”. Those are the words of 14-year-old Ashley Silverman, who found herself on the other side of a harrowing medical emergency that almost killed her. Silverman had been experiencing mood swings, which her psychiatrist thought severe enough to treat with the prescription drug, Lamictal (lamotrigine). “I thought it […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

6 Warning Signs You Don’t Have Enough Oxygen in Your Blood

Imagine you’re at the gas station filling up your car. The numbers on the pump are whizzing by, but it seems to take much longer than usual to top up the tank. That’s when you notice the leak. You’ve been wasting fuel and money and don’t have a full tank of gas to show for […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

6 Reasons December Babies Are Special

We have no control over our birth month. But of the twelve months, if you were born in December, science is on your side. Whether you’re supposed to give birth to a December baby or you are a December baby, we’ve got some good news. December babies are extra special! Many parents have anxiety over […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Why Marijuana Isn’t Right for Everyone

While we hear most of the healing benefits associated with the cannabinoid compounds in marijuana, such as THC and CBD, not everyone experiences the same side effects and benefits when using this substance.  Marijuana is thought of as having only positive benefits, however, there are many people who have experienced negative side effects and a […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

How 15 Minutes Of Walking Per Day Can Change Your Body

We all know the importance of regular exercise and the crucial impact it has on our mental, physical, and emotional health. Despite all of these benefits, some days you just don’t have time to squeeze in a workout. Thankfully, new studies have shown that walking at least fifteen minutes every day can add seven years […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

Fat Vs Bloated – Have You Gained Weight Or Are You Bloated?

For many of us, when we think of losing weight, the first body part we think of is our stomach. Many diet and exercise fads make claims that they will “burn belly fat” (or something along those lines) because they know most people are self-conscious about the size of their stomachs. Stomach Bloating vs. Stomach […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

How To Make Relaxing Magnesium Water

Magnesium’s long list of health benefits are nothing short of impressive. However, with the good comes the bad. When your magnesium levels dip too low, the body cannot function properly and becomes at-risk of several illnesses and diseases. Getting enough magnesium in your diet can be challenging. However, with the help of supplements like the latest trend […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 2 min read

These Painkilling Cannabis Tampons May Be The End of Period Cramps

CBD is becoming increasingly recognized as an effective medicinal product by both the common public and medical professionals alike. It is known to be able to treat a variety of medical conditions, ranging from glaucoma to insomnia. However, it is probably best known for its use as a painkiller. CBD is used to relieve many different […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

48 Foods for Balancing Hormones and Glowing Skin

The word “hormonal” is term often attributed to women. Mainly because we are the ones who experience PMS, and menstrual cycles. However, having an unbalanced set of hormones does not fall solely upon our womanly parts. No, it is actually more so attributed to our diet. What we are filling ourselves with and how much. Whether we […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team