
 · 4 min read

Funeral home adopts Bernese mountain dog to comfort grieving families

If you have a dog, you should count yourself lucky to have such a loyal companion. Dogs are wonderful pets that offer surprising and fantastic benefits, which include longer lifespan, cutting down on stress, anxiety, and lots more. What’s more? Dogs even can empathize with people who are grieving. In a study published in the […]

Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

Writer and researcher

 · 3 min read

The World Has A New Grumpy Cat, And She’s Grumpier Than Ever

How can anyone tell when she’s happy?  Tardar Sauce will always have a special place in our hearts as the famous Grumpy cat, but it may be time for the throne to be filled again. Meow Meow from Taiwan makes Tardar’s grumpy face look like a happy one. Tardar was the subject of several hilarious […]

Penelope Wilson

Penelope Wilson

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

People Are Buying Giant Snails the Size of Small Dogs As Pets.

Snails are adorable (most of the time). How can you not love those pouty, pursed lips and antenna eyes? What they lack in speed they make up for in cuteness, and there’s nothing more hilarious than watching a snail eat lettuce and cucumbers. Well, only if it’s a small, harmless, and clean snail. Ok so […]

Penelope Wilson

Penelope Wilson

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

Meet the Frostbitten Cat That Has Become the First in the World to Receive Four Prosthetic Limbs

For most animals with permanent damage from frostbite, they usually spend the rest of their lives miserable and disabled. Sometimes, they are euthanized to save them from the pain, which is unfortunately a common occurrence. However, for this lucky ginger-face, it was not yet his time. Poor little Ryzhik (that’s Russian for Redhead or Ginger) […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

Does the Peppermint Oil Trick Work for Removing Ticks?

This article was originally published on June 28, 2017, and has since been updated. Diseases such as Lyme Disease or Powassan Disease, when administered through a tick bite, can be passed into your body within 24 hours, or in the case of Powassan Disease, 15 minutes, and can result in permanent disability. This makes it […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team