Leah is driven by learning and adventure. She has studied Journalism, Early Human Development, and Culinary Arts. When she’s not writing she can be found reading or hiking the Southwest.
Gray hair is just one of many changes within our bodies as we age. However, with the color change comes a few other undesirable effects like dry, brittle, or dull hair. Here are a few tips to help revive aging hair. Try Dye for Gray Hair The most obvious solution for reviving, or in this […]
Life and death are surprisingly complex elements, often leaving people wondering if they did it correctly. A hospice nurse has revealed the last thing more than 100 people have said in the moments before their passing. Interestingly, it sheds light on what’s important in life. Notable Nurse Jackie A hospice nurse named Jackie McFadden has […]
In a time when only about half of marriages survive the test of time, it’s important to be extremely careful about where you get your relationship advice from. Between tabloid magazines that want to sell you phony dating advice to make a few bucks, blockbuster rom-coms that sell you happily-ever-afters to make a few billion bucks, […]
Suicide is a common issue worldwide. However, those suffering from a terminal illness, and low quality of life, have been given the option of assisted suicide in certain places. Now, Switzerland is set to go one step further, introducing the suicide pod, and it won’t require “medical supervision.” The Suicide Pod Creator Philip Nitschke is […]
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams It was just a normal day at the Indie bookstore where Christine Turel worked. Christine loves her job and the kind of decent people she gets to meet every day, which was why she […]
During the height of Covid, everyone was frequently washing their hands, and sanitizing them and every surface we encountered. While that might have been a bit much, there are many reasons to have good hygiene, including maintaining good physical health. Here are 10 things you should always wash your hands after touching. 1. Always Wash […]
In a world where we are constantly being told we need more stuff, it’s so easy to become ‘consumed’ with the act of consumption and end up with clutter in our world. Consider the last thing you bought. Was it absolutely necessary, or did you convince yourself it was vital to your daily living? So […]
While most people try to avoid thinking about death, it’s inevitable for everyone. As a result, it’s best to be prepared. Otherwise, loved ones are burdened with the task of sorting your affairs while simultaneously grieving your passing. However, creating a “When I Die” document can help remove some of the hassle. Discovering a “When […]
Spring has finally sprung and for a lot of people that means spring cleaning, but with such nice weather outside who wants to spend all day cleaning indoors? The kitchen is one of the most time-consuming rooms to clean, especially when it comes to the cabinets. They often take up the most space and can […]
Let’s face it, being a teacher is not an easy job, especially for those working with large groups of young children, every day. It takes an unimaginable amount of patience to be successful in this career. As an adult or parent, you are already aware that life involves interactions with a wide spectrum of people. […]
Coelacanths are some of the strangest fish that swim the world’s oceans. These wonderfully ugly fish have remained almost unchanged for over 400 million years – that’s over 160 million years before the first dinosaurs appeared. However, even these so-called “living fossils” aren’t safe from the problems facing the world’s oceans. Blue Planet Society, a UK-based environmental pressure […]
Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. It is popular for its incredible food, gorgeous views, ideal weather, and hospitable population. Furthermore, it’s rich in history, art, and culture. The reasons to visit are endless, but imagine the wonder of waking up there daily. In 2022, the region of Tuscany […]