Healthy Aging + General Wellness

 · 3 min read

Deshun Wang, 87 Year Old Model, Proves Age Is Just A Number

A man born in Shenyang, China in 1936 probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a model – maybe it is! Either way, eighty-year-old Deshun Wang is breaking stereotypes all over the place, from age to beauty. Wang’s Early Life At the age of fourteen, Wang started work as […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 8 min read

9 Early Warning Signs Your Body is Low in Vitamin-C

I’m sure vitamin C needs no introduction to you. We know it’s found in ample amounts in our citrus fruits and often taken as a supplement to boost immune systems or pulled out when a cold hits us. But what many people don’t realize, is that you can actually become deficient in Vitamin C and […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 6 min read

11 Scientific Ways To Get Rid Of Wrinkles That Every Woman Needs to Know

Those first signs of wrinkle lines are a rude awakening that our youthful skin is bidding us farewell. Aging is an inevitable process of life, and while we can’t reverse time, the good news is that we CAN do something about it. Unlike the cosmetic manufacturers that try to make the public believe their youth […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 7 min read

10 Signs That You Need To Drink More Water Immediately

We’ve all heard that the human body is primarily composed of water and that we need to consume a certain amount in order to survive. Your muscles and kidneys are composed of 73% water; your blood is composed of 83% water; your lungs are 90% water and your brain is made up of 76% water.  We lose […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 7 min read

9 Early Warning Signs You Need to Quit Keto

The ketogenic diet has been used to treat certain medical conditions for almost 100 years. Lately, however, it’s been experiencing a resurgence as a magic diet. The keto diet, as it’s commonly referred to, has been used to treat diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and even to help accelerate weight loss. Studies have shown that, […]

Jenn Ryan

Jenn Ryan

Freelance Health & Wellness Writer

 · 7 min read

Lion’s Mane: The Mushroom You Should be Taking To Support Nerve Regeneration and Cognitive Performance

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are not exactly what you picture when you think about mushrooms. It’s big, white, and very shaggy-looking, hence the name. It has sometimes been called the hedgehog mushroom if you still have trouble imagining it. Its appearance isn’t the only thing unique about it, however. Lion’s Mane mushrooms are having a moment […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Does High Intake of Vitamins B6 and 12 Increase Hip Fracture Risk?

A recent study in which researchers followed over 75,000 post-menopausal women for 21 years showed a correlation between high doses of B6 and B12 and hip fractures. [1] The objective of the study was to determine if higher than average intake of  B6 and B12 from food and supplements were linked to an increased risk […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

People Over 40 Should Only Work Three Days a Week, Study Concludes

If you had the choice of working anything less than a Monday-to-Friday workweek, would you take it? More than likely your answer is yes, absolutely, in a heartbeat, no question. Lucky for you, there is a telling study you might want to cite next time you enter your boss’ office to negotiate a new schedule […]

Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

Freelance Writer