We’ve all been there. You’re in a crowded, enclosed space- maybe an elevator, the back of a taxi, or standing in line at the coffee shop. You suddenly feel a small amount of pressure building up in your lower abdomen. You’re about to fart. You desperately try to hold it in, waiting until you’re alone...
Do you ever have those days where you leave home only to be hit by a reality you haven’t noticed in a while? Everyone’s walking around with raccoon eyes and blank stares on their faces, looking unkempt and sluggish, seeming like they’ve kind of given up… It’s not just you who has been noticing. Just...
The cannabis industry is growing, and studies are showing that this super-plant can help to cure a multitude of aches and pains, from the relief of irritable bowel syndrome to minimizing pain caused by fibromyalgia. Of course, not all users want to use smoking marijuana in order to get that relief. Fortunately, now there’s a...
Cayenne pepper has many health benefits. It is a member of the chili pepper family, and it is a spice that can be used for both cooking and as an ingredient in your favorite dishes. Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum) is commonly used as a seasoning or in foods that are served with a kick and...
Although there is no scientific evidence that flatulence equates to feeling better, there are a variety of legitimate reasons to eat beans with every meal. For one, they actually are good for your heart, and another is that not all of them have to necessarily make you fart. If you’re not a fan of the...
For many of us, when we think of losing weight, the first body part we think of is our stomach. Many diet and exercise fads make claims that they will “burn belly fat” (or something along those lines) because they know most people are self-conscious about the size of their stomachs. Stomach Bloating vs. Stomach...
If you’re going to eat, you’re going to poop; it’s just a natural biological function that everyone faces in life. However, not everyone is willing to share the sordid details of their bowel movements. In fact, new studies have shown that many people are uncomfortable talking about bowel movements (which might explain the startling number...
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder that affects approximately 3 million people worldwide. It can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms can resemble those of other gastrointestinal conditions. One of the most common symptoms is tummy troubles – that’s right, we’re talking about your p-o-o-p. In this article, we will explore seven...
Pumpkin seeds are a small but mighty superfood that has been enjoyed for centuries. Not only do they taste delicious, but they also offer a wide range of health benefits. So if you’re looking for a delicious way to add a healthy crunch to your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks – look no further. This...
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in September 2019 and has since been updated.Heartburn medications, called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), may increase the risk of early death, according to research [1]. Over-the-counter (OTC), as well as prescription medications for heartburn, may increase the risk of heart disease, stomach cancer, and kidney dysfunction, among other...
For 38 years, Martin Freeman was celebrated for his stellar performances on both the silver screen and television, holding steadfast to a vegetarian lifestyle. His journey into vegetarianism began in the winter of 1986 during his teenage years, a time marked by introspection and a growing discomfort with the notion of consuming animal flesh. This...
Do you suffer from abdominal bloating, altered bowel habits, and recurring abdominal pain and discomfort despite following a relatively “clean” and healthy diet? Does it seem as if certain foods trigger your symptoms, but it’s hard to pin down exactly which ones? If so, you may be one of the 7-10% of people worldwide who...