A growing body of research suggests that the foods we consume can significantly impact our risk of developing chronic diseases like dementia, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Recent studies have highlighted the benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet, emphasizing whole grains, fruits, and vegetables while minimizing processed meats, sugary foods, and other ultra-processed items. These...
The United States continues to experience a rise in dementia cases annually, with around 5.8 million people currently afflicted with this disease. Therefore, if someone you know starts to show signs of dementia, it is easy to assume they are afflicted. However, numerous other ailments share the same symptoms as dementia, such as a vitamin...
Dementia, a condition affecting millions worldwide, is typically associated with old age and the later stages of life. However, recent research has revealed that signs of cognitive decline can manifest much earlier—up to 18 years before a formal diagnosis. Recognizing the early signs of dementia is crucial for timely intervention and management of the disease....
With dementia rates constantly on the rise, people are always looking for potential ways to minimize their risk. One of the most effective ways to lessen your risk of developing dementia is by adopting a healthy diet. There has been much research conducted on the subject of the link between diet and dementia. One such...
Did you know that there was a link between red meat and dementia? When people consume around 1 ounce of red meat per day, their risk of developing dementia rises by 14%. However, if their red meat is replaced with a serving of legumes and nuts, their risk drops by 20%! This data was based...
It must have been heart-breaking for Mark Hatzer to realize his mother, Sylvia Hatzer, an 82-year-old dementia sufferer, could no longer recognize her own son. The last thing he wanted was to lose another parent, but as her condition worsened, Sylvia was admitted to North Manchester General Hospital for her own safety. During her time...
Dementia is an increasingly common condition. It affected an estimated 57.4 million people in 2019, and experts predict that the number will rise to 152.8 million by 2050. Dementia is an umbrella term for symptoms caused by damage to the brain, the most famous being Alzheimer’s disease. The symptoms can include difficulty concentrating, memory loss,...
Dementia cases are rising every year, with the current statistics stating that there are currently 55 million afflicted individuals worldwide. However, a new study has found that around half of these cases could be prevented by simply addressing 14 dementia risk factors early on in life. Thanks to studies such as this one, we are...
A recent study has found a significant connection between anxiety and dementia. Researchers say that those who suffer from anxiety triple their risk of developing dementia later in life. Published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, it is the first study of its kind to investigate the link between anxiety and dementia over...
Dementia is a progressive condition that damages and eventually kills brain cells. In the next ten years, experts project that about 82 million people worldwide will have dementia [1]. While there is still no cure for the condition, knowing the early warning signs of dementia can help you or your loved one get the support...
A new medical report details the case of a woman who started showing strange “altered behavior” and was diagnosed with dementia for five years. However, her symptoms were actually reversible. The unnamed woman, discussed in BMJ Case Reports, started exhibiting a gradual change in behavior, which was noticed by her family. As well as no longer cooking, keeping...
Every medication, regardless of its intended use, comes with some risks. Unfortunately, they aren’t always apparent right away. In some cases, doctors only learn about the risks of some medications after patients have already been using them for some time. Benzodiazepines and anticholinergic drugs are common classes of medications. Doctors already knew that some of...