
 · 4 min read

6 Reasons To Take An Epsom Salt Bath + Why It Works

Epsom salt baths are a popular way to relax and unwind after a long day. They are known for their ability to soothe the skin, reduce soreness and pain, aid in exercise and athletic performance recovery, reduce stress and aid sleep, promote foot health, and even draw out splinters. In this blog post, we will […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 7 min read

7 Reasons Why Thyroid Diseases Are On The Rise

When our grandparents were our age, thyroid disease was not something that they probably ever even heard about. This is because it was quite rare, but maybe not for the reasons you think. Today, however, thyroid diseases are on the rise. The question remains: Why? While many experts say this is at least in part […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

A Woman Had to Undergo 20 Surgeries to Undo The Damage Caused By Medication

Antibiotics are a discovery that has saved countless lives. Since the discovery of penicillin, scientists have discovered and developed thousands more antibiotics for a wide range of bacterial infections. While these developments have had a largely positive impact on our society, it hasn’t been all good news. Amy Moser from Phoenix, Arizona, sadly knows the […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

15 Foods To Eat More of For Healthy Hair and Nails

Hair and nail health are integral to a person’s overall health, but they can be particularly tricky to maintain. That’s why we’ve put together this list of foods you should eat and avoid in order to keep your hair and nails looking their best. What Foods to Eat For Hair and Nail Health There are […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

9 Walking Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

Walking is a simple yet highly effective form of exercise that provides numerous health benefits. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll or a brisk power walk, incorporating walking into your daily routine can improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen muscles, aid in weight management, reduce stress, and boost overall mental well-being. However, despite its many advantages, people often […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

Teacher uses LEGO to explain math to children. Brilliant!

When I was a kid, math was always my least favorite subject. I found it difficult to grasp how things worked and it became frustrating. So of course I got excited when I found out that Alycia Zimmerman, a 3rd-grade teacher from New York, created a way to use LEGO math to teach students. By […]

Cody Medina

Cody Medina

Environmental Activist

 · 3 min read

How One Mother’s Trip To A Rest Stop Nearly Became A Child Abduction Case

Children are an important part of our lives and they provide us with an insurmountable amount of laughter, joy, and love. The last thing anyone wants to think about is your child being abducted, but it’s a harsh reality that occurs frequently in the US. In 2016 alone, there were 179 AMBER Alerts issued involving […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 5 min read

The 10 Best Natural Hangover Cures

We’ve all been there – a night of drinking with friends, followed by a morning of regret and a pounding headache. Hangovers can be brutal, but natural remedies can help alleviate the symptoms and prevent them from ruining your day. Here are the 10 best natural hangover cures. Best Hangover Cures Before we get into […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

How to blur your house on Google Street View (and why you should)

With Google Street View, users can virtually stroll through the streets of just about every city, town, suburb, and countryside in the world. During a time when there are travel restrictions around the world, this provides an alternative way to “visit” another country. While many may see Google Street View as useful, or at the […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team