Gemma Fischer Profile Overview

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

Gemma is a Halifax-based freelance writer. She specializes in writing blog posts and creating social media content for creative businesses. When Gemma isn’t writing, she can be found reading, sipping on holy basil tea, thrifting, hiking and doing her best at practicing the art of slow living.
 · 4 min read

Legendary actor James Earl Jones dies at 93

Renowned actor James Earl Jones, celebrated for his countless film roles and his powerful voice as Darth Vader in the “Star Wars” series, has passed away. He was 93 years old. Jones died on Monday morning at his home in Dutchess County, New York, surrounded by his family, according to his longtime agent Barry McPherson. […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 4 min read

Old-Person Smell Is Actually A Thing, And Here’s Where It Comes From

It’s no longer a major wonder that elderly people have a certain peculiar smell about them. Sometimes, when they try to use deodorant and fragrances, they can’t entirely mask this ‘grandparents’ scent. Most people think it’s because of their clothes, or hair, or perhaps, their sweat, but it’s not particularly any of these. Even when […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 3 min read

44 Uses For Oregano Including Pain, Bug Bites, Headaches, and More

Some things are said to cure everything but death. Oregano is one of those things. A perennial herb that’s actually part of the mint family, oregano is commonly used in cooking. I often add it to sauces and spice rubs. But it also has a long medicinal history. Ancient Greeks used it for common illnesses […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 5 min read

A huge, strange-looking fish washed up on a California beach. Scientists say it’s a first

A seven-foot fish was discovered on the shores of UC Santa Barbara’s Coal Oil Point Reserve in Southern California, a world away from where it normally lives. The fish, which was originally named the Hoodwinker sunfish (Mola tecta) by marine scientist, Marianne Nyegaard, was discovered in 2014 off the coast of Christchurch, New Zealand [1]. It […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 2 min read

Scientists Create First “Living Robots” Made Entirely Of Living Cells

Scientists have created a new form of “robot,” not made out of metal, plastic, and wiring but formed entirely out of living cells.  Reporting in the journal PNAS, researchers from the University of Vermont and Tufts University describe how they crafted the first-ever “living machines” out of cells taken from the embryos of frogs. Dubbed “xenobots,” these miniature […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 2 min read

Drone captures the largest swarm of sea turtles ever filmed

Given that we are currently experiencing a global extinction crisis, the occasion to witness a large congregation of an endangered species is a rare and special opportunity indeed. The density of turtles is so high that you could almost imagine crossing the sea by hopping from shell to shell. So you can imagine how privileged […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 2 min read

A Group Of Monkeys Have Entered The Stone Age

Researchers have discovered that one population of white-faced capuchin monkeys in Panama have entered the Stone Age. The monkeys have started using stone tools to break nuts and shellfish, making them the fourth type of primates to do so after us. As reported in New Scientist, the group inhabits Jicarón island, a small island off the […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 3 min read

The Anti-Skeeter Canopy Chair of Your Dreams. It’s Time To Enjoy The Outdoors, Bite-Free.

The outdoors are great for relaxing, being active, socializing with friends, and making some of the best cottage memories, until mosquitos ruin it– for everyone. Some people even avoid spending time outdoors because of these blood-sucking pests. Summer is mosquito season because they thrive better in warm weather, and who can blame them, most of […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 3 min read

Why Ceramic Christmas Tree Decorations Are Making a Comeback

Are vintage ceramic Christmas trees worth a lot of money? If you have unearthed one of those classic decorations, experts say they are quite valuable during this time of year. You remember the ones we’re talking about, right? They skyrocketed in popularity in the late-60s and early-70s. Growing up, you may remember your parents or […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 3 min read

3 Vitamin Deficiencies Linked to Headaches

Headaches are something that we have all been affected by in our lifetime. Whether it be after not getting enough sleep or drinking a bit too much on a night out, we all know the irritating, pounding feeling of a headache. However, for some people, headaches are more than just a nuisance. For some people, […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 6 min read

7 Lifestyle Cancer Prevention Tips

Everyone’s had to deal with cancer in some capacity, whether you’ve had it yourself or a loved one has suffered from it, it’s a disease that touches so many. Approximately 38.4% of people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetime (1). But you have more control over getting […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer