Personal Growth + Development

 · 5 min read

13 Habits Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do

Building habits is like lifting weights at the gym. At first, it’s extremely difficult. The muscles break down after you workout, and you never want to pick up another dumbbell again. But when you do, it gets easier until you can lift that heavyweight without any strain. Your muscles have recovered and grown stronger. Mental […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 2 min read

You Can Meditate Yourself Into A Near-Death Experience (And If You Practice, You Can Get Better At It)

Science shows that you can meditate yourself into a near-death experience. These meditation-induced near-death experiences (MI-NDE) can help us better understand what the body goes through in the moments just before we die. (1) Meditation-Induced Near-Death Experiences There are several Buddhist texts written by those who achieved MI-NDE and who became masters of it in […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 9 min read

21 Day Anti Anxiety Challenge

Anxiety is an expected and normal part of life and could be triggered by a number of things including an upcoming deadline or presentation, taking a test, an important decision, or a disagreement with a loved one. We deal with anxiety in different ways, and it can be hard to deal with for many of […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

This teen’s performance in the passenger seat of his mom’s car is worthy of Broadway

America’s truly got talent! Teenager Colin O’Leary impressed and amused people all over the world when a hilarious video of him went viral. The video was also his ticket to becoming an internet sensation. The talented teen could be seen lip-synching to over twenty Broadway songs in his mom’s car, donning a totally goofy costume […]

Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

Writer and researcher

 · 8 min read

10 Simple Habits That Can Prolong Your Life

Scientists are constantly on the hunt for ways to prolong the human lifespan. As a society, we are fascinated with individuals who live well into their nineties and older. We want to know what makes them special? What are their habits for longevity? Scientists have made impressive progress toward extending life expectancy. They’ve lowered infant […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 6 min read

7 Everyday Habits It’s Better Get Rid of As Soon As Possible

Some habits are really good to have- brushing your teeth, exercising regularly, and eating lots of fruits and vegetables all keep you healthy and feeling your best. Bad habits, however, are easy to form and hard to get rid of.  Some bad habits are fairly obvious- smoking, nail-biting, or staying up until three o’clock in […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

Jim Carrey’s Message For Anyone Suffering Through Depression

It only takes a few minutes of watching him in his element that you realize Jim Carrey is a special kind of talent. The kind of person that can have us slapping our knees with laughter, but can also bring us to the point of tears. But behind the image we see on our screens, […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer