Chewing gum has long been a go-to for fresh breath and a quick snack without the calories. Yet, many of us have no idea what’s in it. While it seems harmless, the ingredients in chewing gum can surprise even the most health-conscious consumers. Here, we break down some of the main ingredients that have left...
As nutritionists often advocate, eating a diverse range of colorful fruits and vegetables is not just about aesthetics; it is a fundamental strategy to ensure our bodies receive a multitude of essential nutrients. Plant foods contain various phytonutrients responsible for their pigmentation, each offering distinct health benefits. Let’s delve into the significance of each color...
It is time to make dinner, so you begin to place all your ingredients on the kitchen counter. You put your hand in the potato packet and pull out a few greenish spuds with long white sprouts all over them. You may be tempted to simply cut off the sprouts, dice the green spuds, and...
Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide various health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. They are mainly known for promoting a healthy balance of gut bacteria and can be found in fermented foods and cultured dairy products. Including probiotics in your diet can contribute to better digestion, improved immunity, and overall well-being. Here are 11...
Food shopping has become complicated with the current pandemic. Between the stressful environment and the risk of contamination, many people would prefer to do larger shops and push off the trip as long as they could. Unfortunately, some foods won’t keep for long and create a need for another grocery run. 9 Surprising Foods You...
Many people around the world struggle to eat enough vegetables each day. Often it is because they have learned that, while good for you, they are not very fun or tasty. This, however, couldn’t be further from the truth. Vegetables add color and variety to your plate, and if you prepare them well, are incredibly...
As a dairy product, it’s no surprise that cottage cheese is high in protein. Many people eat it for breakfast for that very reason, especially those who work out in the mornings. It also works as a high-protein snack after exercise or as a healthy snack between meals. Cottage cheese is also known for its...
It’s tricky to find perfectly ripe bananas. They seem to stay green for a while, but then you blink, and they are suddenly brown. That’s fine for baking, but most people prefer eating perfectly ripe bananas that are “underripe” enough to be firm, but “overripe” enough to be sweet. But if you put aside flavor...
Yogurt is typically made of milk and a “starter”. This is usually a blend of bacteria that consumes lactose and transforms it into lactic acid. However, this is far from the only way to ferment milk into yogurt. In fact, traditional Bulgarian and Turkish recipes use ants as a starter. For the first time, researchers...
Amish Apple Scrapple is just one of the many things Dutch Pennsylvania is known for. The surprisingly delicious 4-step recipe provides an exciting breakfast item, to liven your morning routine. However, it does need time to set so it’s best to do the prep the night before. Ingredients for Amish Apple Scrapple While the recipe...
Here are 15 significant predictions made by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates at the turn of the century that have come true. When people hear about future predictions, they often roll their eyes. Many claim to be the next Nostradamus or Baba Vanga, making vague statements and later saying, “See, I told you so,” when one...
Food is a universal necessity, yet the way it is consumed varies dramatically across the globe. Photographer Peter Menzel and writer Faith D’Aluisio embarked on a journey to capture this diversity, documenting what families from 24 countries eat on an average week. Their project entitled Hungry Planet highlights not only the variety of diets but...