Women’s Health

 · 4 min read

Women Share What It’s Really Like to Live with Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid disease, is a condition in which there are lower than healthy thyroid hormone levels in the bloodstream. Since the thyroid is responsible for regulating metabolism, digestion, healthy bones and muscles, heart function, and brain function, the effects of an imbalance are very far-reaching. (1) Hypothyroidism is more common among women than […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 2 min read

How Kelly Clarkson Lost 37 Pounds By Managing Her Thyroid Problem

Kelly Clarkson is well known for being a successful powerhouse singer and the first winner of American Idol, but her weight has also garnered a lot of attention over the years. Kelly recently made headlines for losing weight and she revealed that the real reason she was able to shed the pounds was because she […]

Jade Small

Jade Small

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

Experiencing Fatigue, Anxiety, Insomnia Regularly? You Could be Deficient in this Mineral

This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on links in this article. Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia is a major health concern for women around the world, especially pre-menopausal women. It can cause a whole range of symptoms, from classic fatigue to much more […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

This Woman’s Thong Caused a Dangerous Infection on Her Butt That Could Have Killed Her

Hillary Zinks was experiencing pain on her derrière for weeks, and for the life of her, couldn’t figure out why. Even her mom did a quick inspection and found nothing. When Zinks finally made it to the emergency room, the doctors discovered an abscess on her butt. Talk about “a pain in the butt!”   Here’s the clincher: The infection was […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 5 min read

Signs of cancer usually ignored by women

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women in the United States. Specifically, female cancers, such as breast cancer, are at the top of the list of the most common. Few women actually know, however, the signs and symptoms of breast and gynecologic cancers. Knowing this information could save your life, or […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

The Cause of Alzheimer’s Could Be Coming From Inside Your Mouth, Study Claims

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative neurological condition that is known for its debilitating symptoms, such as memory loss, confusion, and loss of identity. The two hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease are the formation of plaques (beta-amyloid) and tangles (tau proteins)in the brain. Over time, these build up to a point where symptoms begin to develop and, eventually, cause […]

The Hearty Soul

The Hearty Soul

Health Network

 · 6 min read

Are Tampons Safe? The Risks and Alternatives Every Woman Needs to Know

Many tampons and pads today are made with materials that have potentially negative health consequences, and it is important that all women are informed about the products they buy so they can stay healthy during every stage in their menstrual cycle. Many tampon alternatives exist that women may not be aware of. The feminine hygiene […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 6 min read

6 Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve That May Help Manage Depression, Inflammation, and More

The vagus nerve is something that is becoming more appreciated all the time as scientists continue to research it. This nerve could be an answer to reducing chronic inflammation in the body. While some research has focused on stimulating it through implants, there are actually less invasive and more natural ways to stimulate the vagus nerve.   […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 2 min read

Doctors Now Have To Warn Women Not To Stick Wasp Nests In Their Lady Parts

Written By: Tom Hale | IFLSOriginally published June 2017 Doctors (and common sense) are warning against a pseudoscientific practice that involves eating and putting mushed up oak galls into the vagina, claiming it’s an “organic” way to clean, heal, and tighten the vagina. The product was being peddled by a Malaysian “health shop” on the e-commerce […]

The Hearty Soul

The Hearty Soul

Health Network