Chantel Brink

Chantel Brink

April 13, 2024

How to Escape a Sinking Vehicle is Something That Everyone Should Know

Thinking about your car suddenly plunging into deep water is a terrifying thought. But if your car was submerged under water after a crash, would you know what to do?

While you should never have to practice this skill, it is important to know. Geoff Fahringer, an expert diver explains that escaping from this situation is a lot harder than you would think.

This knowledge is essential. In this scenario, you’re already in panic mode, and too many people have drowned because of this. There is not enough time for rescuers to reach you. You have to be able to save yourself.

You only have a small amount of time before the vehicle is completely submerged. Don’t waste your time trying to call for help.

In the short video below, Geoff explains that you really only have 30 to 60 seconds; you need to unbuckle your seatbelt and roll down your window to climb out. Calling 9-1-1 isn’t going to help you until you’re already out of the car.

Geoff explains and demonstrates exactly how to do this, and what to do if there are children of infants in the car. While the likelihood of this situation is rare, it’s in our best interest to know this life-saving tip.