Undoubtedly, we are currently experiencing an age of swift technological advancements. Breakthroughs are emerging in fields such as AI, machine learning, and nanotechnology. Just in the past decade, we have witnessed remarkable progress in science. Bringing us closer to a future where artificial intelligence will be present everywhere in our daily lives.
We are currently facing the possibility of achieving immortality for humans by 2030. This prediction comes from renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil, who has a history of making accurate predictions. He anticipates that with the ongoing progress in genetics, robotics, and nanotechnology, we will soon have nanobots coursing through our bloodstream, which could enable us to live forever. It’s truly remarkable to consider that this could be a reality within just seven years.
What are nanobots and how could they help us reach immortality?

Nanobots, which are small robots sized between 50-100 nm in width, are currently being used in various clinical medical applications. They are used in research as DNA probes, imaging materials for cells, and targeted delivery vehicles for cells. According to Kurzweil, nanobots represent the future of medicine.
They will be capable of repairing our bodies at a cellular level, making us resistant to diseases, aging, and, ultimately death. Additionally, he theorizes that humans may be able to transfer their consciousness into digital form, leading to immortality.
During a 2016 interview with PBS News, Kurzweil made a statement regarding the continued increase in human life expectancy throughout history, stating that we have been expanding our life expectancy for thousands of years. He cites that life expectancy was merely 19 years ago 1000 years ago, and 37 years in 1800.
Kurzweil predicts that in 10-15 years, by 2025 or 2030, we will reach a point where we are adding more time to our remaining life expectancy than is passing. He also notes that while some may say they do not want to live past the age of 90, he has spoken to 90-year-olds who express their desire to live to 91 and beyond, emphasizing the human desire for longevity.
Kurzweil further discussed the idea of immortality

He further says, “We’re going to be able to overcome disease and aging. Most of our thinking will be non-biological, that will be backed up. So part of that gets wiped away, you can recreate it and we’ll be able to extend our lives indefinitely”. Should this all be taken with a pinch of salt?
Famous for his accurate predictions, who knows?
Ray Kurzweil has become well-known for his ability to make accurate predictions. He accurately predicted that a computer would defeat a human in chess by 2000, the growth of the internet, and the rise of wireless technology in 1990. However, his most prominent prediction, for which he wrote a book, is the arrival of singularity by 2045.
Singularity refers to the point at which machine intelligence exceeds human intelligence or becomes equal to it. With the growing presence and impact of AI, it is difficult to dismiss the possibility of AI’s future influence on humanity.
Consider the case of Neuralink, a brain chip developed by Elon Musk’s team of scientists and engineers, which has sparked significant debate. The chip is designed to assist individuals with disabilities in moving, communicating, and even restoring vision. However, despite the potential benefits, US regulators have rejected Musk’s proposal for conducting human trials for Neuralink. Spooky.