On Reddit, people post pictures of strange animals, plants, and things they’ve found to try to figure out what they are. One time it’s just a kitchen tool, and another time it’s something really special, one-of-a-kind, or even dangerous. This list has some finds that people wanted to know more about (along with the accepted answers). Can you identify them?
1. This Strange Symbol
u/judd_in_the_barn identify it as: “This is/was also used by Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth (TOPY), an organisation founded by Genesis P-Orridge of the bands Throbbing Gristle and Psychic TV. Followers and fans of the latter use this a lot as a tattoo and on clothing. They call it the Psychick Cross.“
2. In A Bathroom Closet:
u/Zaphod_0707: “I believe [it] is a contact lens cleaner.” u/42Pockets adds “Burnt the [hell] out of my eyes too many times forgetting to put the neutralizer in the cleaner.“
3. Substance on a Key Lock:
u/Atllas66: “So this happened one time when I was flipping houses for a dude. Went to unlock the door and noticed something covering the lock that looked like white lipstick. I looked around and the other houses had it too. I called crime check and they said it had been used as a method by squatters/burglars to see who on the block is using their key or even if there might be empty homes. Like how people sometimes go door to door pretending to sell solar panels, window replacements, or landscaping services so they can see who answers in the middle of the day.
A bit of an eye-opening phone call for me lol.“
4. Hidden in the Bushes:
u/HanakenVulpine identify it as: “After a search it looks like there is/was a trend of making DIY allium flowers out of recycled metal and other scrap.“
5. Strange Hatch In The House:
u/Yukels: “A house I used to live in had similar hatches. They were access doors to the chimney, for cleaning and inspection.“
6. Plug Beside a Sink
A former Redditor: “I’ve seen these before. It’s basically a power strip. You plug things into it so one prong of your plug is on top and one on the bottom. They aren’t used much anymore, mostly because they can be dangerous.“
7. White Dots on Car:
u/pitachipbat identify it as: “Looks like moth eggs in a rather USA-shaped pattern. Just use soap and water to wash them off.“
8. Found Beside a Pool Gate:
u/Waste_Ad1468: “It’s a holder for a cigarette. There’s usually a ring at the bottom. I own one. The flower opens and the beads slide up to keep the cigarette in place.“
9. Compartments on Bottle Opener:
u/DoctorOfMeat: “I believe they’re extra bottle caps so you can recap your drink.” People were quite amused by this answer, as stated by u/Nobodyville: “OMG! Hahaha, I totally thought they were contact lens containers. I could NOT figure out the connection!“
10. Yellow Goop:
u/nick78: “I think this is Fuligo Septica – a type of slime mold often called “dog vomit.” I’ve seen these growing on bark and mulch often, but not on concrete. The red stuff looks like blood, but isn’t actually blood.
Anyway, they’re supposedly harmless to humans, but I wouldn’t try eating either. Maybe wear shoes next time. The one you found has a nice color.
Fuligo Septica – Wikipedia“
11. Figure found in backyard:
u/337f-k: “Found… an Ebay listing for this exact toy: 1953 CAPTAIN VIDEO ALIEN W/SPEAR CEREAL PREMIUM 52-54” Some kid must have lost it a long time ago.
Read More: People Are Asking for Help in Identifying Strange Objects, and Some of Them Are Plain Weird
12. This Green Pendant
u/phord identify it as: “It’s a jadeite pendant with a space to hold herbs or sandalwood. The word on the back is “fu” which means “luck.” The dragon heads are just common Chinese symbolism, but sometimes there is a bat instead because the word for “bat” sounds like “luck.” If it has bamboo symbolism, it’s supposed to be stronger. It’s usually strung and attached to your belt and carried for luck.
Source: My Chinese wife, who also claims this is not a well-made piece, poor quality sculpting, common in antique markets.
She also warns that Chinese people do not carry old pieces with unknown history, because it might have belonged to someone who died and then it was stolen by grave robbers. And then the amulet could bring bad luck.
But if the piece is handed down from their family, someone they know and cared about, it becomes more special to them. They believe it carries a bit of the bearer in it, like part of their soul.
She also says it comes back to you because it has become part of you. You should keep it, no matter how much you are offered. Also, you should touch it a lot so it accumulates oil from your skin (and your soul). This will make it become more beautiful.“
13. Pink Object Found on a Golf Course:
u/UncleBenders: “It’s a slime mold!” For a more scientific identity, u/saddestofboys says: “It is the coolest and most poorly documented variety of Fuligo septica: var. rosea.“
14. Strange Rock
u/Savings_Big1842: “Marcasite.” From Minerals.net: “Marcasite is the lesser known companion of the famous mineral Pyrite. Marcasite has the same chemical formula as Pyrite, but crystallizes in a different crystal system, thereby making it a scientifically distinct mineral species.“
15. Sword-Like Object with a Plug
u/RedditorsA–s: “It’s a tie iron for taking the creases out of ties.” u/Angeltt gives a cool story associated with it: “Definitely an electric tie iron. That object is what started me on Reddit trying to find what out what it was after one was “traded” in at my husband’s store for credit towards a new electrical item.
To be fair, they did advertise you could get credit on any used old electrical item; guess they didn’t expect to get something from the ’50s.“
16. Great-Grandparents’ Belonging:
u/MajorBtz identify it as: “That is a Guiro. A musical instrument. But I can’t tell if it’s been re-purposed. “Mowind Stainless Steel Metal Guiro Percussion Instrument Musical Training Tool with Scraper”“
17. Weird Metal Faces
u/Captain__Spiff: “Google Lens says bottle opener with double vision because “he” is drunk. One result says “Double Eyed Pete”…” Also, u/newpopthink: “Wilton vintage bottle openers, Sideshow style. From around the ’40s, cast iron.“
18. Mushrooms Inside a Office:
A former Redditor identify it as: “The mushrooms are just the symptom. You likely have a moisture or leak problem.
It’s worth grabbing a drywall saw or similar tool to take a peek at what’s going on in between the studs.
If you’re even just a little bit handy, you can easily repair it (cutting out a piece of drywall I mean) in a weekend or less. There are a bunch of YouTube videos.
As for fixing the leak, that will depend entirely on where it is coming from! After you’ve got the wall opened up, you’ll be calling a plumber.
Actually, if you want you can call the plumber regardless.
And if you rent, you shouldn’t do any of that… You should just call your landlord.“
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