Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

April 11, 2024

Mom Shares Lovely Photos Of Daughter Born With a Unique Arm

The lovely Tiaraoluwa Ogunleye from Nigeria was born on September 5, 2015. The child had a congenital defect that caused one of her arms to be shorter than the other, and this unique arm has only three fingers. When she was born, her mother, Adetola Ogunleye, was devastated and scared for her. She was heartbroken for her child because of the challenges and marginalization that many living with disabilities experience in society. It doesn’t matter whether they were born that way or sustained a permanently damaging injury at some point. Some aspects of society just aren’t there yet when it comes to seamlessly incorporate disabled folks into society. Something that needs to change.  

According to reports from Tuko Kenya, although Adetola nursed this fear at her child’s birth, she didn’t love the princess any less [1]. In fact, her limb difference made her more special and unique, and her mother decided she had to be shown to the world to make a difference at a young age. With over 6,100 followers on her Instagram page, Unlimited Tiara Oluwa, the cute girl is gearing up to quite the internet sensation at the age of four. Hundreds of people draw courage and inspiration from her smiles and perpetual happiness, with many openly admitting that she motivates them to be the best of who they were born to be.

Happy fourth birthday, Little Angel

Tiara is the apple of her parents’ eyes, and she’s brought nothing but joy and excitement into their lives. She turned four on the 5th of this month, and her mother took to Instagram to post the most adorable photos of the little girl, captured by celebrity photographer Mofebamuyiwa. According to a post on the photographer’s page, Mrs. Ogunleye had said,

To tell you the truth I was devastated when I gave birth to her, I had to lock myself and her indoor for a whole year, it was just as if my world came crashing but today I’m so excited to have her in my life.”

The mom-of-three has become a limb difference awareness activist, seeking to inspire other people born with physical challenges out there to hold their heads high like Tiara has learned to. She is the founder of Limbable, a society that celebrates the unique abilities in people with limb differences. A limb difference doesn’t make anyone different. It doesn’t make them inadequate. It’s just who they are and they are as special and as unique as everyone else.

“God created me complete. Not less. I am enough…”

Tiara can do a lot of things all by herself without any assistance. She can feed herself, write at school and at home, carry her own belongings and even drive her bike and toy car.

In a post shared by Tiara’s mother on her own page, Adetolaleye, she revealed that the little girl sometimes has doubts about herself because people won’t stop acting like she’s so different.

“I’m even tired, everybody keeps disturbing me every time, they always ask me what happened to my hand, I don’t like it when they disturb me and they touch my little hand. I’m even praying to God to make my hand grow so they will stop disturbing me,” the little girl said. Her mother’s heart was broken, and she became more determined to find ways to prove to the girl that she’s as perfect as anybody else out there.

She encourages parents to always let their children know how special they are, regardless of any physical deformations they may have been born with. 

“Parents/ Guardians need to explain to their kids/ wards that it’s okay to be different and that some people are born different. They also need to emphasize on the fact that it’s rude to stare or point at people. Everybody is created different, Tall/short, big/small, fat/slim, dark/fair, God created us all with our unique abilities.”


  1. Linda Shiundu. Woman shares adorable photos of little girl with unique arm as she turns 4. Tuko. https://www.tuko.co.ke/314675-nigerian-mother-girl-unique-arm-celebrates-clocks-4.html. Retrieved 18-09-19
  2. Admin. Congenital Limb Differences. Nicklaus Children’s hospital. https://www.nicklauschildrens.org/conditions/congenital-limb-differences. Retrieved 18-09-19
  3. Tiaraoluwa Ogunleye. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/unlimitedtiaraoluwa/. Retrieved 18-09-19
  4. Mofebamuyiwa. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/mofebamuyiwa/. Retrieved 18-09-19
  5. Jen Lee Reeves. LIMB LOSS AWARENESS MONTH IS ALSO FOR LIMB DIFFERENCES. Born Just Right. https://www.bornjustright.org/limb-loss-awareness-month-is-also-for-limb-differences/. Retrieved 18-09-19
  6. Limbable. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/limbable/. Retrieved 18-09-19
  7. Adetola Ogunleye. https://www.instagram.com/adetolaleye/. Instagram. Retrieved 18-09-19