Jade Small

Jade Small

September 14, 2024

Wife Refused To Pull The Plug On Her Husband, He Woke Up 3 Years Later And Said 2 Words

Matt and Danielle Davis had not even been married a year when Matt suffered a devastating motorcycle accident. He collided with an illegally parked car while merging onto an interstate. The injuries he sustained were life-threatening, including several broken bones, organ damage, and significant brain trauma. He was placed on life support and fell into a coma.

Following Her Intuition

Doctors suggested Danielle should take her husband off life support, claiming there was a “90% chance” he would never emerge from the coma. Aside from multiple fractures in his femur, jaw, ribs, collarbone, and skull, his liver was lacerated, and he had a critical brain injury. This implied only a 10% chance of waking up and a mere 5% chance of a full recovery. In a television interview, Danielle revealed that doctors had advised, that if they were in her shoes, they would pull the plug.

They said that’s what they’d want their family to do.” However, Danielle bravely refused to follow their advice. “I knew that God could get us through that. I didn’t think that it was too big for God,” she added.

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Matt and Daniella had been dating for only two months before their wedding. She was 24 years old, while Matt was 23. Just seven months after their wedding, the accident occurred. Two years prior, Matt’s father had passed away tragically, which left his mother too ill to care for him following his accident. The decision to keep him on life support fell to Daniella. When Matt finally woke up, the brain damage he had suffered left him with no memory of Daniella. Nevertheless, he expressed happiness that he had married her. “I’m sure glad I married her,” he told ABC News.

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Till death us do part

Danielle moved back to her mother’s house with Matt, where they both cared for him. For the first three months, he remained in a coma. After awakening, he began to follow them with his eyes. “If we’ve got to bring him home, let’s make sure he has the best view in the world,” Daniella told her mother. “If he’s going to be a body in a bed, let’s give him something to look at.”

Together, they worked on occupational therapy exercises similar to those Matt was doing in rehab, including holding up objects and urging him to reach out and take them. Danielle vividly remembers the day he reached out and grasped a toy motorcycle. “It doesn’t sound like much, but to us, it was a miracle.”

He took his first steps almost three years after the accident

Matt’s physical condition began to improve, but the brain trauma took longer to heal. He has struggled to regain his long-term memory and cannot remember Daniella from before the crash. Upon emerging from the coma, he did not recognize her, starting their relationship anew.

Rehabilitation has been both slow and costly. To help offset expenses, Danielle set up a GoFundMe account, which is no longer active. She wrote: “It’s been 3 1/2 years since Matt’s accident, and he continues to improve! He is not on any medications, walks with forearm crutches for minimal distances, and supervision. Insurance will no longer pay for therapy. People with Traumatic Brain Injury need substantial rehabilitation, often improving even 10 years after their injury. Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover the extensive therapy needed, preventing many from reaching their full potential.”

Matt’s sense of humor gradually returned. One particular moment made Daniella realize her husband still had his quirky personality. He requested his favorite meal, a buffalo chicken wrap from Cheddar’s. “He whispered it, but I know I heard him right; Cheddar’s was his all-time favorite before the accident!”

Matt and Danielle’s Instagram has not been active since 2017. We hope they are doing well!

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  1. Wife Refuses to Give Up on Husband in Coma After Crash – Then He Wakes Up.ABC News. Sydney Lupkin. April 06, 2015,
  2. Learning to love again: Wife ignored doctor’s plea to pull plug on husband, he beat the odds weeks later.” Global News. John Hadden. April 7, 2015