Grandparents are life, true love, and utter joy. While we may love our parents more than anyone else, I believe everyone has a special, completely different kind of love for their grandparents, and they have a special place in our hearts. Grandparents love with a different kind of ferocity. They usually know how to handle situations in a way that many parents do not understand. When I was 11 and it was time to get “the talk”, my mother was so embarrassed and had no idea what to say to me. She didn’t feel comfortable discussing the “facts of life” with me. My father had been no help either. They beat around the bush for a few minutes every day and got tired of themselves. Luckily for both of them, my very own Wonder Woman came through.
My grandmother (father’s mom) came over to spend the weekend with us. I don’t know what my mother said to her, but she came into my room, flopped down on my bed, and gave me all the details she felt my 11-year-old mind could take. We laughed over some of them and got serious when it was time to give solid advice. My grandmother has always been my rock, my shade, my full moon, and no one can take her place in my life.
Endless love

To millions of kids all over the world, grandparents are the coolest people ever. They come bearing the coolest gifts (my grandmother bought me my first headphone set when I was 15), they are always willing to make sacrifices for their grandkids, and they are thought to be much nicer than parents (no kidding). They are full of life and wisdom, and they’d lay down their lives without a second thought for any member of their families.
Here are 10 incredible quotes every grandparent will absolutely love, compiled by Uplifting Today [1].

They give the best advice and are always out to protect their grandkids, but they don’t believe in excessive restriction. They’ve seen enough of life to know that it should be lived, enjoyed, and explored. They teach their grandkids to be careful and cautious, but they aren’t going to put a leash on you either.
In plain words, they are amazingly amazing. Let your kids spend plenty of time with their grandparents. The bonds are timeless.
Grandchildren are Priceless

“We may not be rich and famous, but our grandchildren are priceless!”
Rainbows of Life

“Children are the rainbow of life. Grandchildren are the pot of gold.”
The Reward

“Being a grandparent is your reward for not killing your kids!”
Fills the Space

“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.”
Blessed Are Those

“Blessed are those who spoil and snuggle, hug and hope, praise and pamper, laugh and listen. For they shall be called GRANDPARENTS!”
Great Pleasure

“You know you’re a grandparent when you experience great pleasure buying your grandchildren unbelievably loud toys that come in a gazillion pieces for Christmas.”
Never Too Old

“Just when I thought I was too old to fall in love again, I became a grandparent.”
There to Help

“Grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet.”
Endless Cookie Supply

“Grandparents are parents, but with more sleep, fewer rules, and an endless supply of cookies!”
Like Stars

“Grandparents are like stars: You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there!”