Whether you realize it or not, your spiritual growth can sometimes be evaluated through certain spiritual symbols and their interpretations. These symbols can make a significant psychological impact on us. Below, you’ll find more details about their meanings. You’ll be surprised!
1. The tree of life

This widely recognized spiritual symbol across various cultures and religions relates to birth, life, death, and rebirth. Christianity identifies it as the tree from which the forbidden fruit was taken. This tree highlights the connection between the four elements of the earth and represents the endless link between all forms of creation.
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2. The Ankh

Historical records suggest that our ancestors used this symbol during sexual activity to help renew sexual energy during orgasm. However, it is regarded as a symbol of life and spiritual wisdom according to Mind Body Green.
3. Eye of Horus

This ancient Egyptian symbol, known as ‘the all-seeing eye,’ was originally used for protection. Its main purpose was to safeguard the pharaoh both during their lifetime and in the afterlife.
4. Lotus flower

This important symbol in Buddhism, and also in other religions, represents enlightenment. It grows from the murky waters of materialism and opens its petals to the light of enlightenment. This spiritual symbol illustrates the journey from darkness to transformation and highlights the value of detachment, as water droplets easily slide off its petals.
5. Yin yang

The yin-yang spiritual symbol represents the harmony of opposites and the unity between masculine and feminine energies. It serves as a spiritual reminder that balancing darkness and light is key to living a meaningful and holistic life.
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6. The pentacle

This pentagram spiritual symbolizes human qualities, with the top point representing the spirit and the other four points standing for the four elements.
7. Dharma wheel

Also called the Wheel of Law, this symbol represents the teachings of Nirvana in Buddhism. Each spoke stands for a step in Buddha’s eightfold path. This symbol is older than Buddhism itself, dating back to 2500 B.C.
8. The flower of life

The flower of life, a key symbol in sacred geometry, is believed to contain all patterns of creation within it. This spiritual symbol is linked to nearly every ancient culture, and some even think it represents the sacred designs from which creation began.
9. Hamsa

In Arabic, the word hamsa means ‘five,’ referring to the five fingers on each hand. This symbol is seen as a protective amulet, believed to shield against harm from the Evil Eye. According to tradition, carrying this symbol ensures that no one can cause you harm, regardless of their intentions.
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