In an impressive tale of resilience and hope, Steven Spinale, a Texan father in his late 30s, defied the odds after a seemingly simple act led to a life-threatening medical crisis. After trying to remove an ingrown hair from his groin area, Spinale was met with rare but severe health complications, which led to being put in a medically induced coma. Everything after that was a slew of health battles, including blood poisoning, influenza A, double pneumonia, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Despite the bleak prognosis (a 4% chance of survival), Spinale’s story is one of triumph against all odds.1
‘Just an Ingrown Hair’

Spinale’s sister, Michelle, has been documenting her brother’s battle since late 2022. Initially being admitted to the hospital with internal bleeding of unknown origin, Spinale’s condition was rapidly deteriorating, leading to an onset of sepsis – a condition where the body fights infection to the point of organ dysfunction. During all this chaos, Spinale was put in a medically induced coma for three weeks while doctors fought to stabilize his fragile state.
Throughout it all, Spinale’s family held out hope. Michelle shared on social media the ingrown hair debacle, the grim chances that doctors had warned them of regarding Spinale’s survival, even declaring him “brain dead” at one point.2 Yet, in the face of such slim-at-best recovery predictions, the family refused to give up, and neither did Steven. Michelle’s TikTok updates revealed the rollercoaster of emotions as they dealt with the daily uncertainty of her brother’s fate.
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Despite the dire circumstances, signs of improvement began to show. Spinale’s recovery, however gradual, defied medical expectations. When Steven regained consciousness, he showed no signs of brain damage coming out of the coma. His journey towards healing was long and slow, marked by open heart surgery, extensive respiratory support, and weeks of rehabilitation. However, Spinale’s unwavering spirit and the constant support of his loved ones got him through and on the path to recovery. That, and now messing with any ingrown hairs again.
Embracing the Journey to Recovery

Spinale’s return home was a significant milestone in his already miraculous recovery. Supported by his family, Steven was able to relearn basic skills like walking. Videos have been circulated on social media capturing big moments of Spinale taking literal steps towards reclaiming his independence. With perseverance and determination, Spinale was able to defy the odds and escape from the brink of death to embrace life once more.
@michellebell111 Replying to @Travel girl #brotherskeeper #wakingupfromacoma #coma #spinalestrong #drsmakemistakes ♬ Never Give Up – Motiversity & Coach Pain & Dr. Jessica Houston
Steven Spinale’s story serves as a testament to resilience in the face of adversity. What began with the seemingly simple problem of an ingrown hair became a life-threatening ordeal. But with determination and unwavering support, we see that truly anything can be accomplished. Spinale’s triumph over impossible odds stands as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to never lose faith, even in the darkest of times.
Steven’s Sister Michelle created a GoFundMe to help with Medical Bills.
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