Always make sure you read your medication dosage properly! Unfortunately, this advice was not heeded by one man who recently suffered serious consequences after consuming 1,176 ibuprofen tablets in a single month! Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory medication typically used to relieve fever, pain, and inflammation. However, when taken in excessive dosages, it can lead to some severe health issues.
The Story of the Man Who Misunderstood the Ibuprofen Dosage

According to the man’s account, which he posted on YouTube, he was experiencing a bit of pain from running. While running is regarded as a healthy habit, it is a high-impact exercise, and the constant slamming on the ground can eventually lead to damage. The man, known as SB, was feeling the strain of jogging and took some ibuprofen to relieve the pain. However, it wouldn’t be long until the treatment caused more problems than it solved.
Exceeding the Recommended Dose

Somehow, SB misunderstood the dosage instructions and was taking several at a time, multiple times per day. While it isn’t clear how many he thought he was meant to take, he initially started taking seven in a single day. He increased his dosage over time, taking 28 Ibuprofen per day at the peak of his use. The recommended dose is actually one or two tablets three times per day at most.
The Effects of Exceeding the Ibuprofen Dose

It wasn’t long before SB started to feel the effects of this excessive Ibuprofen use. He stated that it felt like the tablets were stuck in his chest, which was followed by sharp pains. However, instead of going to a doctor, he simply increased his dosage to try to manage the pain. His symptoms then started to worsen – he was vomiting blood and his stool was very dark. These are very troubling symptoms and one should always visit a doctor if these symptoms are experienced.
SB Finally Goes to a Hospital

The man started to experience even more negative side effects from taking so much ibuprofen. These included fatigue, dizziness, and trouble urinating. At this point, he decided to go to a hospital, where the doctors noted that his blood pressure dropped when he stood up, he was very pale, and his heart rate was very elevated. He was also diagnosed as suffering from haematemesis – a condition characterized by internal bleeding and vomiting blood.
The Extent of the Internal Damage

The hospital tests revealed that the man was suffering from bleeding ulcers in both his esophagus and stomach, and his kidneys were additionally failing. In an effort to save his kidneys, an emergency dialysis was performed and they managed to stop the internal bleeding. Luckily, SB went on to make a full recovery, despite the damage caused by consuming 1,176 ibuprofen tablets every day. You can watch his youtube video here.
How to Read Dosage Labels Properly

To avoid an accidental overdose, read and understand the dosage recommendations on prescription labels carefully. Each label normally specifies the suggested amount, frequency, and any safety measures to be taken. Look out for important information, such as the maximum daily dose and if the prescription should be consumed with food or water. If you are unsure about something, ask your doctor or a local pharmacist to ensure safe use. Keeping tabs on when and how much medication you have taken could also be helpful in preventing unintended overuse.
The Bottom Line

So, what can we ultimately learn from SB’s story? Well, for one, it’s important to read medication dosages properly and ask the necessary questions of a health professional if you are unsure about anything. Rather be safe than sorry when it comes to your health. While over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen may appear safe, excessive use can often result in serious health issues such as internal bleeding and organ damage. Always stick to the suggested dosage and seek medical assistance if the pain persists or unexpected side effects develop. Responsible drug usage can reduce health risks and keep treatments effective and safe.