I persons angle covered in bugs and bug bites
The Hearty Soul
The Hearty Soul
March 16, 2024 ·  4 min read

The Surprising Reasons Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People and Don’t Touch Others

It’s not in your head. Those summer evenings around the fire, trips to the beach, and family hikes through the trail where you were practically covered in mosquito bites while everyone else was left virtually untouched? Why do mosquitoes bite some people and not others? It turns out, that there’s actually a scientific reason some people make much more attractive meals to mosquitos than others. Luckily, there are also extra things you can do to help prevent those itchy bug bites in the future.

Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?


There are several factors that influence those winged insects’ choice of meal, and unfortunately, almost all of them are out of your control. Here’s what makes some people more attractive to mosquitos:

Read More: Grow Your Own Lemongrass. It Can Help Repel Mosquitoes, Keep You Relaxed And Relieve Your Headache

Mosquitos Love Heavy Breathers

Typical Italian balcony with flag and flowers in Montepulciano (Tuscany)
Source: Shutterstock

Mosquitos are attracted by our breath- specifically, the carbon dioxide that we all exhale. So, if you’re outside working up a sweat (more on that later) and increasing your breathing rate, you’re putting yourself on more mosquitos’ radar. Unfortunately, this can also affect people who sometimes struggle with heavy breathing even when inactive- people with severe asthma, obesity that affects their mobility, and pregnant women.

Mosquitos Prefer Sticky People

Itchy insect bite - Irritated young female scratching her itching arm from a mosquito bite at the park during summertime.
Source: Shutterstock

Your sweat has a few different ingredients, the most attractive of which to mosquitos is lactic acid. The more you sweat, the tastier you’ll seem. In fact, there has been some evidence that older sweat leads to more mosquito bites than “fresh” sweat. That’s why you might notice you’re getting more bug bites the longer it’s been since you last showered (looking at you, family camping trip).

Mosquitos Are Obsessed With Drinkers

Young woman suffering from itching on her skin and scratching an itchy place. Allergic reaction to insect bites, dermatitis, food, drugs. Health care concept. Allergy rash
Source: Shutterstock

Bad news for everyone who likes to enjoy a glass of wine or a cold one on the porch at night. A 2002 study demonstrated that the increased ethanol content in your sweat and breath when drinking increases mosquito attraction.

Mosquitos Have Taste… In Bacteria

Aedes albopictus (Stegomyia albopicta), from the mosquito (Culicidae) family, also known as the (Asian) tiger mosquito. Vector of yellow fever virus, dengue fever, Chikungunya fever,  Zika virus.
Source: Shutterstock

Our bodies are teeming with bacterial cultures- it’s all a part of keeping our bodies healthy and in balance. But everyone’s microflora collection is a little different, and some types of bacteria work to repel mosquitos, while others are practically ringing the dinner bell.

A 2011 study found that people with generally more bacteria on their skin than average were more attractive to mosquitos (they tested feet specifically, so chances are, if you’re prone to smelly feet, you’re a target!). Researchers also identified that Staphylococcus bacteria was especially attractive for mosquitos, but Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria was unattractive.

Read More: What You Should Do When You Find a Spider in Your Home

Mosquitos Fancy Type O Blood (And A, too!)

Dangerous Malaria Infected Mosquito Skin Bite. Leishmaniasis, Encephalitis, Yellow Fever, Dengue, Malaria Disease, Mayaro or Zika Virus Infectious Culex Mosquito Parasite Insect Macro.
Source: Shutterstock

A study showed that mosquitos land significantly more often on people with Type O blood, and people with Type A blood weren’t too far behind. Meanwhile, Types B and AB weren’t a big influence. It’s not clear why mosquitos would demonstrate this preference, though.

How to Keep Mosquitos Away


It’s hard to suss out the answer to the question: why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others? While the most obvious answer might be to use bug spray, the active compound DEET has some associated health risks. Health Canada has even chosen to limit the legal concentration of DEET in mosquito repellants. The EWG has made its stance public, saying:

“Laboratory studies conducted since the EPA review have suggested that DEET exposure can affect the nervous systems of rats.  People who use DEET daily have reported suffering symptoms including rashes, dizziness, difficulty concentrating and headaches. Studies using DEET alongside the pesticide permethrin have raised concerns that DEET could cause neurological damage and epigenetic changes.

Still, after reviewing the evidence, EWG has concluded that DEET is generally safer than many people assume and remains a viable option for people in areas infested with disease-carrying pests.” So, while DEET products are still legal, and are generally safe for most people to use, there are several other more natural alternatives to use.

Natural Mosquito Repellants

Hands holding paper No mosquito, bite for World malaria day with Stop mosquito sign for prevention of virus,dengue, chikungunya, Zika, Mayaro, Malaria, flavi ep
Source: Shutterstock
  1. Mix lemon eucalyptus essential oil- with a carrier oil with a 1:10 ratio and distribute onto the skin. (Not to be used in the sun)
  2. Add lavender to your garden or use lavender essential oil mixed with carrier oil
  3. Throw thyme leaves into your campfire or apply thyme oil mixed with carrier oil to your skin
  4. Keep citronella candles burning (only under constant supervision)
  5. Apply tea tree oil mixed with carrier oil to the skin

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