Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

February 17, 2024

Warrior Mom: Photo of This Mom of Four Multitasking With Her Four Kids And Still Cooking Has Gone Viral

Sometimes Moms are just superhuman…

31-year-old blogger, Jazmyne Futrell, recently went viral all over social media for this incredible picture of her being a mom in every sense of the word. She portrayed the true meaning of moms being superhuman. Paying full attention to one kid is a full-time job on its own, let alone four tender kids.

The picture sparked a lot of controversies online, but the bottom line is that she poured all of herself, fully and wholly, into the lives of each of her kids.

Jazmyne uploaded the picture to her Facebook page, Mixed Moms Brown Babies [1]. Karson, her 7-year-old son was trying to get her attention on his homework, tugging at her shirt and reading out a question. Her 5-year-old daughter Kinley and 3-year-old son Karter were playing with toys at her feet. 7-month-old Koehn was nursing away, latched onto her left breast. All the while, she was making chicken noodle soup for dinner. She basically split herself into five parts for this picture.

Mom Truth

She staged the photo to explain to the world what a mom really goes through behind the camera. Most moms act like their lives are totally perfect and their kids are so easy to manage. She wanted people to see exactly what it looked.

Taken by her husband, the photo was uploaded with the caption:

Friends with no kids: “you go to bed at 9 pm? Girl I can’t fall asleep before 11 pm.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Mom friends: “you go to bed at 9 am? Girl I can’t seem to stay up past 8:30.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

The caption of the photo further went on to say,

“With four kids I’m way too exhausted to even think about having a life after dark and way too busy to go to bed at a decent hour. What’s your bedtime? Do you have a nightlife or are you in the bed before the sun?”

Speaking to Yahoo lifestyle, Jazmyne said, “There’s so much to say about this photo. I shouldn’t be cooking while holding my baby, my son has a ponytail because I didn’t have time to braid his hair, and my kids are on the floor. That’s why I posted it — there’s not enough realness on social media [2].”

No one should be glorified for taking care of their own kids

Jazmyne battled postpartum depression after she had Koehn [3]. It was at this point that she took an interest in blogging. She admits that social media made her feel less of herself. Other moms would always look perfect, and she wasn’t feeling or looking anything close to that. She doubted herself. Doubted her abilities as a mom. She worried that she wouldn’t be able to do right by her four kids. Now, she believes uploading photos like that one would tell moms who are presently in her former shoes that “this, too, shall pass.”

She explains that people are always super quick to make assumptions when they see with her four kids.

“A woman asked me, ‘How old you?’ and was relieved to learn I was older than expected,” she said. “While in labor with Koehn, the nurse asked my husband if he was a father to my unborn child or all [of] my kids because she [said there are] ‘a lot of single moms.’”

Jazmyne said her husband always gets praises and admiration for merely ‘keeping an eye on the kids.’ People never fail to let her know how lucky she is to have such a caring husband. He is a good father, truly. Despite not requiring any praise or appreciation for taking care of her kids, she finds it annoying when people see him as the amazing hero, while she’s the one doing nearly everything.

Once at a store, my husband took the kids to another section so I could try on clothes,” she said. “A woman told me, ‘I just want to compliment you for your awesome husband. He’s ‘babysitting’ so you can shop. He wasn’t babysitting his own children — he’s required by law to care for them. The bar is set so low for fathers.”

