In a shocking and harrowing incident, an American woman was discovered chained to a tree in a remote forest in Maharashtra, India. The woman, identified as Lalita Kayi Kumar, had allegedly been left there by her ex-husband and endured a horrifying 40 days without food. This article delves into the details of this case, the rescue operation, and the ongoing investigation.
Discovery and Rescue
Lalita Kayi Kumar, a 50-year-old U.S. citizen, was found in an emaciated state by a local shepherd in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. The shepherd heard her cries for help and alerted the authorities, leading to her rescue on June 27.1 When the police arrived, they found her severely dehydrated and unable to speak.
“When we discovered her, she was seriously dehydrated. It appears that she was stuck there for a minimum of 48 hours. Although she was mute,” said Amol Chavan, an inspector at Sawantwadi Police Station.
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The Allegations and Investigation
Kumar alleged that her ex-husband had tied her to the tree following a domestic dispute. Authorities found copies of her U.S. passport and Indian documentation, indicating that she had overstayed her visa and lived in India for the past ten years. Based on a written note found with her, police registered a case of attempted murder against her former husband.2
“Police are also trying to verify if the woman’s claim that she was chained by her former husband was genuine. We are verifying every claim and information in the note written by her,” said Saurabh Agrawal, the superintendent of police of the Sindhudurg district.
Contradictory Claims and Mental Health Concerns
Despite the initial claims, further investigation revealed inconsistencies. Kumar later admitted that she was not married and had chained herself due to distress over her expired visa and lack of funds. Police also suspect that she was suffering from schizophrenia, as prescription medication for a psychiatric illness was recovered from the scene.
“She eats, walks, and also exercises. She is under treatment and we are also giving her some nutrients that her body was lacking,” said Dr. Sanghamitra Phule, superintendent of the psychiatric hospital where she is admitted.
Background and Context
Kumar went to India a decade ago to study yoga and meditation and met an Indian man during her stay. She claimed they married, but the relationship deteriorated, leading to her alleged abandonment in the fores.3 Authorities are now trying to trace her relatives in Tamil Nadu and Goa to piece together her background and verify her statements.
Current Status and Health Condition
Kumar is currently receiving treatment at Goa Medical College Hospital in India. She is out of danger but remains under psychiatric care due to her weakened state and mental health issues.
“She is not in a position to give her statement. She is weak as she has not eaten anything for a couple of days,” noted Saurabh Agrawal.
The case of Lalita Kayi Kumar highlights the complexities and challenges of dealing with individuals suffering from severe mental health issues in foreign countries. The investigation continues as India’s authorities work to verify the facts and ensure her safety.
- “American Woman Found Chained To A Tree After 40 Days Without Food, Says Husband Left Her There.” Bored Panda. Marina Urman. August 1, 2024.
- “Attempted Murder Case Filed Against Ex-Husband Of US Woman Found Chained.” ND TV. July 30, 2024
- “Starving American Yoga Student Chained to Tree ‘For 40 Days’.” The Daily Best. David Gardner. August 1, 2024.