
 · 5 min read

Canines to the Rescue: Dogs Trained To Protect Wildlife Have Saved 45 Rhinos from Poachers in South Africa

Relentless poaching has remained one of the major concerns plaguing the conservation efforts of African wildlife [1]. Many formerly thriving species have faced declining populations in recent decades, and the situation just keeps getting worse. However, governments are becoming innovative with anti-poaching strategies, and it’s a gold star for the attack-dog initiative that has helped […]

Penelope Wilson

Penelope Wilson

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

1.5 million cicadas expected to emerge after 17 years underground

As the warmer weather begins to settle in, we are all being met with the familiar signs of the season: the sound of lawnmowers, the smell of the neighbors’ barbecue, the feeling of a warm breeze against our skin, are all synonymous with summer.  There is one sound, however, that when you hear it you […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

Project combines hemp and solar to go totally off grid

As housing becomes more expensive around the world and the health of the planet becomes increasingly at risk, more scientists, architects, and engineers are looking at ways to redefine housing. Renewable energy sources and ways to live “off the grid” are at the top of many people’s minds. In some places in the world, the […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Dyson’s Failed Electric Car Cost Him Over $600 million

In case you didn’t know, Dyson, the famed vacuum company, had an electric car in development until it was canceled last October. For a while, the automobile was a mystery, since only a few engineers had seen the working prototype. Then the company decided to reveal its electric car in an exclusive interview with the […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 4 min read

Ghost mushroom hunters photograph glowing fungi

Standing in the middle of a forest at midnight in the pitch dark, surrounded by glowing mushrooms may sound like something out of J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy world in Lord of the Rings, but in New South Wales, Australia, the ghost mushroom makes this a very real scenario. Following a cold and wet Autumn, national parks […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Baby calf dies by mother’s side after eating birthday balloon

It’s a common sight- garbage tossed into the ditch on a roadside, trash blowing across our sidewalks and getting caught in sewer drains, and wrappers, plastic bags, and even clothing flowing down our rivers and streams. It’s sad but true- many people operate with the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality, and carelessly dispose […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

New plant-based bottles will degrade in a year

Every year, more than 300 million tonnes of plastic is produced globally. Half of that is for single-use plastics, which leads to a staggering eight million tonnes of plastic that gets dumped into our oceans annually [1]. That plastic that we use for sometimes mere minutes, takes multiple lifetimes to break down. A single-use plastic […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Venomous And Rare ‘Blue Dragons’ Sighted At Texas Beaches

The world is full of undiscovered mysteries and many of these seem to hide in the sea. During this pandemic, nature has tossed so many strange things our way, from bioluminescent beaches to wild animals trekking into cities. Now, a new otherworldly creature has entered the scene.  Blue dragons have washed up at the Padre Island National Seashore in […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 2 min read

Diver Captures Rare Footage Of A Sea Angel Swimming Under The Ice

The under-sea world is one that is equal parts beautiful, fascinating, and strange. When looking specifically at the cold parts of our oceans, you can double up on the strange part. After all, it takes some pretty uniquely-evolved organisms to survive underwater in the world’s harshest seas. This is exactly what marine biologist and underwater […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

Long-Lost Ultra-Rare Blue Bee Discovered In Florida

It has been years since anyone spotted the extremely rare Blue Calamintha Bee in Florida. So long, in fact, that scientists and conservationists were afraid that the insect may have gone extinct altogether. That speculation was put to rest this month when Chase Kimmel, a researcher for the Florida Museum of Natural History, found one […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

Fish recorded singing dawn chorus on reefs just like birds

Underwater is considered a silent place, the total opposite of The Little Mermaid, where fish and crabs sing about life “Under the Sea.” However, the Disney film might be a little closer to reality than we realize.   On land, nature is noisy. A walk through a forest would entertain a person with numerous bird calls that […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate