There has been a major breakthrough in neuroscience thanks to a group of researchers from Rochester, Yale, and Princeton Universities. They have produced a technique that manipulates brain activities in order to induce learning in subjects. Utilizing neurofeedback and real-time brain imaging, the technique bypasses the traditional learning process. A New Way to Learn Information...
Bruce Abrahamse
Science & Technology Journalist
After initially studying art and advertising, Bruce studied sound engineering and pursued a career in audio production for three decades. He is also a freelance writer, music tutor, and event organizer. He loves collecting records, reading books, and hiking in nature.
Scientists are warning people about a chemical produced when cooking several popular family foods. They say it may increase your risk of having a heart attack and stroke by 60%. Known as Acrylamide, it is produced when foods such as potatoes, bread, and coffee are heated. It is common in burnt carbohydrates and caused by...
Drains can sometimes be really gross. People tend to pour all sorts of things down their drains and simply walk away. But, have you ever taken a good look at your drains? You may be surprised to find that there are a whole host of different creepy crawlies living there. One of these is known...
A 25-year-old woman in China has had her Type 1 diabetes reversed through a groundbreaking new stem cell therapy treatment! As you can imagine, this represents a historic turning point in medical history. This revolutionary procedure has enabled her to create insulin on her own, relieving her of the constant daily hassle of injections. When...
There are many cultural differences between the United States and England. For example, the English call sliced potatoes “chips’, whereas the Americans call them “fries”. Americans prefer their coffee, whereas the English quite famously enjoy their cuppa tea. Believe it or not, there are even differences between English and American medications! Let’s take a look...
Forgetting things is completely natural and happens to us all every now and then. However, if you are above the age of 65 and you are forgetting things more often than usual, you should speak to your doctor. Recently, scientists studied 233 participants to discover if there is a connection between food consumption and dementia....
Your resting heart rate may not be something you think about very often. However, it could potentially serve as a vital indicator of your overall health. In fact, cardiologists are pointing out its role in assessing your risk for various diseases more and more nowadays. How much do you know about resting heart rate and...
Responding quickly to an individual having a stroke could mean the difference between a relatively minor occurrence and long-term damage. It is critical that the person gets help within an hour, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Unfortunately, most people are unaware of the early signs of a stroke. Therefore, many...
Lately, there has been an influx of Tiktok videos with titles espousing the health benefits of lemon water. The drink, which simply involves adding lemon juice to water, has grown popular in recent years due to its potential health advantages. These benefits include increased hydration, vitamin C supplementation, and a healthier alternative to sugary beverages...
According to anesthetist Dr. Zain Hasan, there are five common prescription medications that can increase dementia risk. Dementia is a disease that slowly takes away your independence and memories and millions of people suffer from it across the globe. However, new research shows four in ten cases could be prevented by incorporating a few basic...
While people typically assume that vaping is relatively safe, a new study has shown that even using vapes that contain no nicotine can be harmful. The study compared zero-nicotine vapes with other devices or rolled cigarettes that contain this addictive chemical. While you may be aware that vaping is not as safe as once assumed,...
Deep beneath Antarctica‘s vast expanse lies a concealed wonder that has remained untouched by human activity for millions of years. The ancient Lake Vostok, which is submerged under almost 4 kilometers of ice, is one of the most fascinating and mysterious places on our planet. Scientists feel that it could potentially hold the key to...