Loneliness is a strong feeling of abandonment or rejection, an unpleasant emotion that arises in response to isolation [1]. It manifests as feelings of anxiety due to a lack of human connection or social interaction, usually leaving a person feeling detached, vulnerable and distressed. Loneliness is a normal human emotion, such as anger or happiness,...

Jade Small
Lifestyle Journalist
Jade is a freelance writer and content creator from South Africa with over 7 years experience writing and creating. She's also a proud single mom to a super 13 year old boy.
When it comes to fashion, women have heard so many rules… (if you have a pear shape don’t wear this, cover that, wear these instead, etc.). Oftentimes for women, it’s a body confidence issue, other times it’s that they’re just worried about what the people around them will think of their c-section scars, stretch marks, love...
What do you do when you see a spider in your home? Kill it, put it outside, leave it, or beg somebody else to deal with it? Turns out, if you can both mentally and emotionally handle it – you should just let the spiders in your home be – according to an entomologist. Although...
When you hear the word psychopath, chances are you’re thinking about knife-wielding men with a crazed look in their eyes at all times. This is the usual portrayal we’re shown by popular culture, so it makes sense that this is people’s definition of the word. But it’s not that simple. In fact, you could be...
Insecurities, doubts, judgments. We know it all, each and every one of us. Then again, it is a wonder why so many people face the ridicule they do every day. Our differences are judged, rather than praised. One woman with lymphedema has decided to overcome her own insecurities after being shamed for her giant leg...
Navigating the waters of high-energy options can be tough because so many companies will try to get you to take their “energy products” and supplements. But when you’re trying to eat foods that give you real energy and avoid all of the man-made junk out there, it can be confusing. Which foods are energy boosters,...
My ears are really sensitive, so earwax drives me crazy. It’s itchy and unpleasant and always makes me feel like my ears are greasy. I know I’m not the only one who feels that way. So I do a bad thing, I clean them with Q-tips. There are a lot of problems with that, only...
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, just ask 90-year old Anežka (Agnes) Kašpárková. After stories came out about a small village in Poland that was covered in painted flowers, this Czech grandma decided to spread the same kind of joy and beauty in her town. The village in Poland is called Zalipie, just 90...
One of the reasons dogs make such great companions is that they’re so good at communicating with us. They wear their emotions on their faces far more than most non-human animals. We’ve now discovered that’s because they are aware we’re watching, and have learned that humans are visual creatures who respond to facial cues. At...
When was the last time you just cried your eyes out? A month ago? A week ago? Maybe you’re drying your eyes from your last good cry as you read this. It’s okay to feel vulnerable after you shed a few tears, but you have nothing to apologize for. In fact, people crying is not...
The obesity epidemic is distressing, and our current efforts at change are failing miserably. Fad diets that present themselves as healthy diets are everywhere. We are letting ourselves and our children down by allowing the perpetuation of a debilitating, yet preventable, disease. The 2016 statistics estimate that 80% of American adults do not meet the...
Micro homes and sustainable building practices are on the rise. People don’t need big homes or lavish settings. The newer generation is more focused on utility, knowing that through smart design, beauty will flow. Nick Olson and Lilah Horwitz are a design couple that really showed off the possibilities in smart building. They quit their...