Ticks are small arachnids that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians. While they may seem harmless, ticks can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans through their bites. Proper removal and disposal of ticks are essential to reduce the risk of contracting tick-borne illnesses. The Problem with Ticks...
Diseases such as Lyme Disease or Powassan Disease, when administered through a tick bite, can be passed into your body within 24 hours, or in the case of Powassan Disease, 15 minutes, and can result in permanent disability. This makes it crucial to remove all ticks as quickly as possible. Peppermint Essential Oil: The Fake...
The latest report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Experts, reveals there has been an increase in vector-borne diseases such as tick bites in the United States. According to the report, in 2004 there were approximately 27,388 cases of insect bites reported. Now, flash forward to 20 years and the number of cases...
Ticks are small arachnids that can carry and transmit diseases to both humans and animals. The most infamous of these illnesses is Lyme Disease. Identifying ticks in your home is important in order to protect yourself and your family from the potential dangers they pose. Let’s look at the different types of ticks, why they...
Every dog owner at some point has gone on the “good stick” hunt while at the park with their dog. Sometimes you find a real gem, but often the options for sticks to play fetch with aren’t that great. This is where “The Stick Library” comes in – and it’s amazing. The Stick Library 59-year-old...
Chai spices have been a prominent part of the old world for centuries with their warm smells and distinct flavors. Originally from South Asia, chai, or masala chai, has evolved into a global favorite, combining the robust taste of tea with a blend of healing spices. Each ingredient brings unique health benefits, rooted in ancient...
“Fire season” is an unfortunate part of Australian summers. During this time, low soil moisture, a lack of rain, and dry vegetation allows small flames to become rapidly-spreading wildfires. Once ignited by lightning or discarded cigarettes, the inferno is difficult to contain and extinguish. Sometimes the fires begin from arsonists. And they may be human...
Folk medicine has used elderberries for hundreds of years. Indigenous people have used them to treat rheumatism and fevers, and ancient Egyptians use them for burns and to improve their skin. Today, scientific research has examined elderberries for their effects on the immune system, which may help fight colds, the flu, and similar conditions. Elderberries...
Newly released images have offered an unprecedented glimpse into the lives of the Massaco, an uncontacted indigenous tribe living in Brazil’s Rondônia state in the Amazon. Captured by the National Indigenous Peoples Foundation (Funai), these photos shed light on a resilient and mysterious community thriving amidst external pressures. A Mysterious and Resilient People The Massaco...
Butter is, without question, the cornerstone of my kitchen. It’s the unsung hero in everything I cook and bake, transforming even the simplest dishes into something extraordinary. Whether it’s salted or unsalted, browned or softened, butter is my culinary gold bar. But recently, I faced a butter-related dilemma: How long can it safely sit out...
Cooking chicken can sometimes leave an unexpected surprise: white goo. It’s a slimy, jiggly substance that pools in the pan or sticks to the meat, leaving many wondering what it is and whether it’s safe to eat. The good news? This phenomenon is normal, harmless, and entirely explainable. What Is the White Goo? The white...
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining optimal brain health and function is crucial for overall well-being. What you consume can have a significant impact on cognitive function, memory, and even the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases. Various nutrients like antioxidants, polyphenols, and amino acids play a vital role in protecting the brain by enhancing blood flow,...