Sarah Biren Profile Overview

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

Sarah is a baker, cook, author, and blogger living in Toronto. She believes that food is the best method of healing and a classic way of bringing people together. In her spare time, Sarah does yoga, reads cookbooks, writes stories, and finds ways to make any type of food in her blender.
 · 5 min read

Living Off-Grid for Almost 80 Years

As technology advances and becomes more widespread, so does the group of people who reject it. The living off grid movement where individuals reject civilization and choose to live independently isn’t a new phenomenon. Epicureans, Quakers, hippies, Puritans, and the Amish are all examples of groups who stepped away from society’s status quo to pursue […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 4 min read

Did People Actually Drink Coffee From a Saucer?

Coffee has become a sort of subculture these days. Sure, most of us enjoy a cuppa every morning, probably with some milk and sweetener. We like to frequent coffee shops and sip seasonal flavors like pumpkin spice lattes in the fall, peppermint mocha in the winter, and frappuccinos in the summer. Some like to order a different drink every time […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 6 min read

If You’ve Suffered a Heart Attack, Has Your Doctor Checked On This One Important Thing?

Life is never the same after a heart attack. The medical care that follows often includes diet and lifestyle advice to prevent another cardiovascular event in the future. However, a new study indicates that doctors shouldn’t end there. Many heart attack survivors may benefit from emotional and mental health care as well. Depression and Anxiety […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 2 min read

‘Eye-opening’ Dementia Breakthrough Announced by USC Researchers

The Alzheimers Society has recognized a recent study by the University of California. Their finding suggested that an early onset indicator of dementia is leaky blood vessels in the brain. This new finding could lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment to reverse or delay this neurological disease. Eye-opening results presented themselves to a team of […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 5 min read

Scientists Make Live Rhino Horns Radioactive to Fight Poaching in South Africa

South Africa is home to most of the rhinoceros in the world. However, experts are concerned that will change in the near future. Poaching is becoming more common, despite the country’s efforts to stop it. As of early 2024, South Africa has about 2,000 black rhinos classified as “critically endangered,” and 13,000 “near threatened” white […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 17 min read

54 Natural Remedies For 12 Common Ailments

If you’ve ever had a nagging cold, relentless migraines, or acne that just won’t go away, chances are you’ve tried every drug, cream, and medicine on the market. Unfortunately, many of these drugs have both known and unknown side effects, such as a damaged stomach lining or making you drowsy, that affect our future health and […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 6 min read

Top Tampon Brands to Use That Are Organic And Non-Toxic

Experts say people can use about 11,000 menstrual products over the course of their reproductive years. That includes sanitary pads, panty liners, tampons, and so on. Tampons are popular because they feel “free” and “cleaner” since they don’t require as much interaction with menstrual blood as pads do. However, research indicates that conventional tampons may […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 5 min read

Gastro Doctors Reveal The 1 Food They’d Almost Never Eat (+ Others To Minimize)

Most people know what is considered healthy food and what is considered unhealthy food. That won’t stop them from indulging from time to time—and that’s not always a bad thing. Many gastro doctors and dieticians don’t recommend completely avoiding certain dishes because that could increase the craving until the person overeats, sometimes falling into a […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 4 min read

‘The Most Beautiful Suicide’: The Life and Death of Evelyn McHale

In May 1947, a haunting photo filled a full page of LIFE magazine. It was taken by a photography student named Robert Wiles, and it depicted a suicide victim lying on a car, the metal crumpled around her. She had landed with her ankles crossed, her white-gloved hand holding her necklace, and her face serene, […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 5 min read

Why Going to Sleep During the ‘Golden Hour’ Could Save Your Life

Sleep is a crucial facet of good health. It improves mood, boosts cognition and memory, strengthens the immune system, and reduces stress. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to get proper rest, and many people wake up just as groggy and exhausted as the night before. There are different factors that contribute to a good night’s […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 5 min read

Sepsis: Woman, 24, dies weeks after getting flu symptoms

Bethannie Booth planned her own funeral before she was put into a coma. The 24-year-old primary school worker died from a condition called sepsis only a few weeks after getting a sore throat. She had called NHS 111 after she noticed red bumps on her face, but the operator told her it was probably just […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 6 min read

8 of The Most Dangerous Foods in the World

Eating food can be a hazardous process. There’s the risk of food poisoning, choking, allergies, intestinal discomfort, heartburn, and all the unpleasant effects of a bad meal — or a really good one. Most people don’t think of food as a dangerous sport, but that’s because they haven’t been looking at the right dishes. In […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate