
 · 4 min read

Couples Who Cook Together Have Happier, Sexier Relationships. Here’s Why

If you’re married, then you know how special and important moments, gestures, and words are to your daily life. Chances are you have formed these things – these habits – early on in your relationship, probably before you married each other. You can do a lot to nurture a healthy, long-lasting marriage. These acts can […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 7 min read

Are Essential Oils Risky? What to Be Aware Of, And Use Best Practices

Essential oils have been marketed as being able to treat everything from mood swings to autism to cognitive decline. If you’re into the health and wellness field, or even just vaguely aware of it, chances are you’ve heard about one essential oil or another being good for something or even had a friend recommend them […]

Jenn Ryan

Jenn Ryan

Freelance Health & Wellness Writer

 · 4 min read

Man Folded In Half Stands Straight After 28 Years

A man in China has finally gotten his life back after receiving aggressive spinal surgery that has made it possible for him to stand up, lie down, and even to simply look straight ahead. The Folding Man 46-year-old Li Hua was known as the “Folding Man”, because his entire upper body was folded onto his […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

New Study: Blood Test Can Predict Dementia 10 Years Before Official Diagnosis

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found that a simple blood test can accurately predict the onset of dementia up to 10 years before an official diagnosis. This has the potential to revolutionize the way dementia is detected and managed, offering patients and their families more time to seek support and plan for the future. […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 3 min read

Scientists Working on Eye Drop to Dissolve Cataracts

A 2015 study suggests that a chemical naturally produced by the human body might have the ability to clear up cataracts and significantly improve vision without surgery. But the promising results are being met with skepticism. Is this really the answer that millions of people suffering from cataracts have been waiting for? Here’s what you […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

8 signs that you’re an amazing mother

Being a mother is without a doubt the toughest job you’ll ever have. The highs can be the best moments of your life, but the lows are ruthless. If you aren’t fighting with your teenager or wrestling to get your baby to stop crying, you’re worried about everything from their social life to their diet, to […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 2 min read

The amazing farming preschool that teaches kids how to grow their own food

It’s hard to remember what you learned in preschool. It was so long ago, during the first years of your life. You remember learning the alphabet and numbers, but you probably weren’t taught the importance of sustainable food. This preschool will change the way you think about how our education system works. A remarkable preschool […]

The Hearty Soul

The Hearty Soul

Health Network

 · 5 min read

20 Things To Remember When Dating A Strong Woman

A strong woman is a powerful woman, which some people may find intimidating! One definition of the word ‘strong’ is ‘someone who is strong, has confidence, determination, and emotional strength possessing skills and qualities that create a likelihood of success‘. This is how I am going to base my definition of strong, a woman who is aiming to be as […]

Leah Berenson

Leah Berenson

Freelance Writer

 · 6 min read

25 Things People Didn’t Realize About Cannabis

With the legalization of cannabis literally growing across the globe, the conversation around this once-illegal subject has taken center stage. Beyond the headlines and stereotypes, there are a number of interesting facts about cannabis that often go unnoticed or simply unknown. From its ancient origins to its modern-day applications, here are 25 surprising facts about […]

Sean Cate

Sean Cate

Freelance Writer

 · 3 min read

Fluoroquinolones Come With Loss of Muscles and Other Side Effects

In our pursuit of better health, we often rely on doctors to make critical decisions. Yet, there are instances when this trust is misplaced, leading to severe consequences for patients. One such case is that of Amy Moser, whose experience with fluoroquinolone antibiotics serves as a cautionary tale. Understanding Fluoroquinolone’s Side Effects The FDA acknowledges […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Does Eating Carrots Make You Tan?

In the quest for a safe and effortless way to achieve a sun-kissed tan, people have tried various methods, from tanning beds to sunless tanners. However, a recent influencer claim caught the attention of many, suggesting that eating three carrots a day can give you a natural tan. This has of course left many people […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team