
 · 5 min read

11 Natural Toothache Remedies You Can Do At Home

Dealing with a toothache can be an incredibly painful and uncomfortable experience. It can make simple tasks like eating or speaking a challenge and greatly impact our overall well-being. While it’s always best to seek professional dental care, there are natural remedies that you can try at home to alleviate toothache pain. These are 11 […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

How to Know if Mold is Making You Sick

Mold is a common problem in many households, but it’s not just the physical damage to your home that you should be worried about – it can also harm your health. Mold can easily become airborne and inhaled, leading to numerous respiratory and digestive issues. This is everything you need to know about mold in […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Why Does Some Store-Bought Ice Cream Not Melt? A Mother’s Experiment Has The Internet Asking Questions

A rather peculiar story about Walmart ice cream bars not melting went viral, sparking widespread curiosity and raising questions about the nature of store-bought ice cream sandwiches. While the story may have originated several years ago, you can still find influencers, health bloggers, and experts discussing this phenomenon online. The question remains: Do WalMart ice […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 2 min read

4 Health Benefits of Drinking Okra Water and How to Make Your Own at Home

Do you like ladyfingers? No, not the delicious and light ones used in make mouth-watering Tiramisu. We’re talking about okra, the nightshade vegetable with the weird texture and finger-like appearance – but don’t judge a book by its cover! Not only is okra an excellent addition to your diet, but it’s also incredibly beneficial for […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 6 min read

All the Ways Miracle Product Borax Could Be Used to Change Your Life

Deserving of the accolades normally reserved for white vinegar and baking soda, borax is so much more than simply a laundry detergent booster. Used in many households for more than 100 years, borax is a naturally occurring mineral, a product of the seasonal evaporation of salt lakes. It is composed of boron, sodium, water, and […]

Gemma Fischer

Gemma Fischer

Freelance writer

 · 9 min read

30 Genius Ways to Use Lemon Peels at Home

The uses for lemon peels are endless and, best of all, they’re a natural, inexpensive way to keep your home and body healthy. It’s ironic that some of the most beneficial nutrients are found in the parts of food we tend to throw out — especially lemon peels. The peels are where all of the […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 9 min read

Tea tree oil is far more useful than you think. Here are 10 reasons why you need it at home

Tea Tree oil comes from the Melaleuca alternifolia, a small tree in Queensland, Australia. There are numerous tea tree oil benefits, thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Australians have been using it for almost one hundred years, and today the oil is available worldwide [1]. Tea tree oil is particularly useful as a topical […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Natural Homemade Magnesium “Chill Pill” Gummies Great For Insomnia, Anxiety, And Stress

This site contains product affiliate links. We may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links. Experiencing anxiety is more than just feeling butterflies in your stomach. Anxiety can have a direct impact on your overall health, from causing complications in digestion to worsening symptoms of chronic illnesses, and […]

Maria Sykes

Maria Sykes

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 7 min read

13 Uses for Salt around the Home

Salt can be used for more than seasoning your food, it’s a wonderful product for cleaning a multitude of surfaces in and around your home. In addition salt is inexpensive, readily available and offers a non-toxic cleaning option. In order to minimize the negative effects of using chemical cleaners many common household items can often […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

Top 7 Natural Alternatives For Bleach and DIY Household Cleaner Recipes

It’s really easy and convenient to just tip the bottle and pour some bleach into cleaning buckets, toilets, tubs, wash-hand basins, and even on the kitchen counter. Bleach is the general name given to chemical products that whiten and disinfect fabrics and surfaces, removing stains and killing microbial germs. There are some bleach alternatives worth […]

Stacy Robertson

Stacy Robertson

Writer and researcher