
 · 3 min read

Expert Warns of Potential Safety Risk When Using Air Fryer

Air fryers have become a popular kitchen appliance, revolutionizing how many people cook by offering a healthier alternative to traditional frying. However, experts have recently highlighted several potential safety risks associated with their use. Here are seven key points to ensure safe and effective air fryer usage. 1. Avoid Cooking Whole Chickens Cooking a whole […]

Sean Cate

Sean Cate

Freelance Writer

 · 4 min read

7 Benefits of Fennel and Fennel Seeds

Fennel, commonly known as Foeniculum vulgare, is a flowering plant that belongs to the carrot family. It is native to the Mediterranean region but is now cultivated in many parts of the world. The ancient Romans supposedly referred to it as “the herb of sight” due to its alleged benefits for eye health. Some new […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

What Causes Thick Toenails and How Can You Treat Them?

When people think about maintaining good health, they may not consider their feet until they remove a sock and notice unusually thick toenails. Some people might dismiss this symptom, especially if they don’t care about the appearance. After all, how many people actually see their feet? However, thickened toenails may be a sign of a […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 6 min read

Canola Oil: Is It Good or Bad For You?

It’s a safe bet to say that the majority of us eat food every day that is cooked with some kind of fat involved. A bit of butter, a tablespoon of olive oil, and chances are, canola oil. Canola oil is one of the most commonly used fats in cooking and baking. This includes in-store-bought […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

How These Greek Islanders May be Avoiding Dementia

Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging. This may be shocking for those who know how common this ailment is. The risk of developing Alzheimer’s increases with age, but it can also begin for people under the age of 65. For those stricken with the disease, the symptoms, such as memory loss, only worsen over […]

Sarah Biren

Sarah Biren

Founder of The Creative Palate

 · 9 min read

Natural Skin Care: What Can You Try To Remove Age Spots, Moles, Skin Tags, Warts, And Blackheads?

There is a lot of pressure in today’s society to have a perfect, flawless complexion. Culturally things like age spots, moles, skin tags, blackheads, and warts are simply not desirable. While there are many remedies that your doctor or dermatologist can give you for these things, natural skin care products and techniques can be just […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 4 min read

Why Up to 80% of Us are Deficient in Magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral for our health. It affects many of the functions of our body as well as our sleep and muscle recuperation. Despite its importance, thousands of people in the United States are deficient. This is everything you need to know about magnesium, magnesium deficiency, and how to keep your levels in […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 5 min read

Alarming Number Of Seniors Go Entire Week Without Talking To Anyone

As our population continues to age, loneliness among senior citizens is becoming an increasingly problematic issue. According to a report conducted by the Administration for Community Living and the Administration on Ageing, nearly thirty percent of older adults in the United States live alone. That equates to almost fourteen million people [1]. Researchers are quick […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 7 min read

7 Exercises to Help Prevent Spider and Varicose Veins

It is estimated that about twenty percent of all adults will develop varicose veins at some point in their lifetime [1].  They tend to be more common in women than men, and more than forty percent of women have some kind of varicose vein condition including spider veins, with the prevalence of these venous diseases […]

Brittany Hambleton

Brittany Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team

 · 10 min read

11 Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory

Your brain is kind of a big deal. As the control center of your body, it’s in charge of keeping your heart beating and lungs breathing and allowing you to move, feel, and think. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep your brain in peak working condition. The foods you eat play a role […]

Julie Hambleton

Julie Hambleton

The Hearty Soul Team